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The doghouse

Dog won't eat from his bowl on the floor

7 replies

squeaver · 19/11/2019 14:54

All of a sudden, my dog (6 yo Tibetan Terrier) won't eat from his bowl when it's sitting on the floor. I put it under some books and he's fine. Also he's happily drinking from his water bowl, on the floor Hmm

Other than that, all is normal - happy, energetic, not off his food, pooing fine etc.

Is he just being a fuss-pot or is there anything I should be worried about?

OP posts:
Mrsjayy · 19/11/2019 14:59

He is maybe feeling a bit stiff or a bit of dust swept past and spooked himGrin like my dog he now has his bowls on an upside down basin and eats fine he is 8 so the vet reckons it might be middle age aches and pains

squeaver · 19/11/2019 15:19

There were a couple of dangerous looking leaves hanging around there for a while...

OP posts:
Lunafortheloveogod · 19/11/2019 15:23

The leaves probably did it..
One of mine only eats off the floor, he’s clever though if there’s no floor food from the others he spits his out onto the floor first. We no longer have a white rug.

squeaver · 20/11/2019 15:53

All fine today! It must have been the dreaded leaves. Bloody dog.

OP posts:
Mrsjayy · 20/11/2019 16:25

Dogs are so weird Grin

Boristhecats · 21/11/2019 17:46

Have u tried feeding it to him a different way. A lick mat as an example or maybe a kong?

squeaver · 22/11/2019 13:57

Never heard of a lick mat, but will look into it if it happens again, thanks.

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