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What do you do when dDog refuses to go out for last wee?

30 replies

OrangeSamphire · 17/10/2019 21:21

1 yr old dDog, large cross breed, always goes out for a last wee before bed. Usually about now. Tonight she is refusing and I don’t blame her. Apocalyptic rain and wind - we face directly out to the ocean so it’s biblical as soon as you open the door...

She last went at 6.45pm.

Do I throw a coat on and take her out on a lead down to the beach for a (guaranteed) wee? Or let her sit it out until morning?

She seems to have a bladder of steel and doesn’t always go straight out in the morning when I get her up. She probably could hold on for 12 hrs, but should she?

OP posts:
ineedaholidaynow · 18/10/2019 00:47

I’ve been known to go outside with DDog to encourage him to go out in the rain, only to turn round to see him looking out of the back door wondering why I’m standing out in the rain Hmm

aidelmaidel · 18/10/2019 00:53

I used to put Ddog on her lead and drag her out into the road for a last wee, if she wouldn't go in the garden. Pyjamas, massive coat, wellies, and hope the neighbours are all inside.

Now we have a dog flap in the back door and she can go out herself when she's desperate. And then end up all confused and wet next door because bloody Mr Next Door left the fence panel loose again so I was out there with a torch and wellies and a handful of bribes to get her back in. Sigh.

BeerandBiscuits · 18/10/2019 21:19

My lab always pees after his dinner at 5.30pm and that's it till morning. I wake him up when other dog goes out at 11pm but he's not interested.
Dogs get let out for morning wee at 7am and lab often doesn't go then, prefers to wait till after breakfast. That's 14 hrs without a wee!

PookieDo · 20/10/2019 14:52

I have to literally say wee wee 78 times at night Angry

If he really won’t go I walk him until he does

I tried throwing treats out but that got old fast. And then expected a treat

It’s very annoying!
He will pee more easily on gravel than grass

Muffinbutton · 20/10/2019 19:00

I ask him if he wants to go out. Sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn't. He definitely knows his own mind (he's a stubborn little sod as well) so I don't force him if he's not interested.

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