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People who bring their dogs into pet shops ... I am in awe of you

34 replies

BlackAmericanoNoSugar · 22/08/2019 20:17

I was in there the other day and there was a man and his dog. The man was choosing treats and the dog was just standing there, literally inches from the pigs' ears, and not grabbing at anything. I was waiting for him to just stretch out and take one, I could see he was interested, but no, just the occasional sniff. My dog would never achieve that level of self control.

Mind you I have a terrier whose brain is located in his stomach, it's not so much that he hasn't learned what I've taught him, it's more that he is only willing to consider cooperating if I have a visible treat in my hand. He does not live to serve and make me happy. Grin

OP posts:
LittleLongDog · 24/08/2019 21:05

I read this thread this morning and was chuffed that long dog doesn’t wee in the shops.

But his afternoon we went to a garden centre and he pooed! 😂🤦🏻‍♀️

To be fair, it was the outside plant section, so I understand why he thought it was ok. But still! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Kuponut · 24/08/2019 13:58

Used to take my greyhound out into Pets at Home doing charity collections - she was fine with it, but the staff member who decided to sit the greyhound rescue charity directly in front of the rabbit section wasn't the sharpest of thinkers that day!

bluetongue · 24/08/2019 13:39

My dog has never peed in a pet shop.he did however grab a container of live crickets off the shelf once Shock

BlackAmericanoNoSugar · 23/08/2019 21:48

We had a golden retriever when I was a child and he was safe to take anywhere. Having a terrier has been a slight shock to the system though. He does wait until he's told to eat any food or treats, but if there's anything within grabbing distance and he isn't specifically told to wait then he'd have it. And I know from experience that he will eat until he almost pops (baked loads of biscuits for school fete and foolishly left them overnight where I was sure he couldn't reach them. He looked pregnant for several days).

OP posts:
Knowivedonewrong · 23/08/2019 21:35

My daughter used to take our Goldie in with her when she worked for my parents when they owned a pet shop.
He never knicked anything.

PookieDo · 23/08/2019 20:58

😂😂😂 luckily for me I had my dog baby bag. This is what my family call the bag of dog things. Water tissues poo bags and treats. I was all prepared! I wiped it all up and then legged it Grin

chocolaterain · 23/08/2019 20:56

@PookieDo my terrier has also had a poo on pets at home floor! Little bugger

PookieDo · 23/08/2019 20:30

I take mine and he never snatches food (terrier)
But he shit on the floor last time Blush

Ariela · 23/08/2019 20:09

I had a collie, when we got him he would snatch food and gobble it down - clearly had to fight in a pack for his share. Did not take long to teach him to leave it until told to eat it. We started with his food bowl, said wait, and lowered the plate then told him to eat, gradually increasing the wait time so the plate wasn't snatched out of your hand. Poor thing once got forgotten sat by his bowl (think the doorbell rang and the plate put down but no command to 'Eat' given) and he was still sat by his plate drooling but not eating 20 minutes later. Such self control, wish I had it with the packet of biscuits!

user1471453601 · 23/08/2019 20:00

Our dog loves the local pet shop. There is one thing, and one thing only, that she prizes above anything that looks or smells edible. That is attention and fuss from anyone at all. She is much more interested in being cute so random people stop and talk to her.

I'll give her her due though. She can melt the hardest of animal lovers heart. And she is so very sweet she is hard to resist

joystir59 · 23/08/2019 19:42

My dog doesn't eat many treats unless they are just about 100% meat. Does like the fact that he's in a shop with us mooching and sniffing. Goes berserk if invited to choose a toy though!

likeridingabike · 23/08/2019 16:46

Another one with a doggie who loves a hunt around under the shelves in the pick and mix section.

Bonkersblond · 23/08/2019 16:41

I’ll take DDog to Pets at Home on a rainy day, she also loves cleaning up all the biscuits and loves the treat when we pay. P

missbattenburg · 23/08/2019 16:30

Battendog and I have perfected the subtle twitch of a lead and the "don't you dare" muttered under my breath...

joystir59 · 23/08/2019 12:40

...and I also deduce there are other dog owners on this thread whose dogs have cocked their legs tooWink

joystir59 · 23/08/2019 12:39

I deduced that he did it to cover another dog's wee, because he is very reliable indoors normally.

joystir59 · 23/08/2019 12:38

My dog did a sly pee on a bag of dog food once. I was mortified! An eagle eye has been employed ever since

Purplecatshopaholic · 23/08/2019 11:30

I take my boy into any shop that allows dogs. He loves pets at home because of all the smells.

doodleygirl · 23/08/2019 11:03

My girl can open the pick and mix boxes to help herself, I only realised this as I was looking at something and turned round to find her having a lovely snack Blush
Its her favourite rainy day walk

NoSquirrels · 23/08/2019 10:13

My dog cleans up under the shelving in the doggie pick n mix aisle! He loves to visit pets@home on a rainy day.

My dog can often be found arse-only showing with her full body wedged under the shelving! I think of it as a free hoover service for them. She is very good in the actual treats aisle, though - snatching is not allowed there!

LittleLongDog · 23/08/2019 10:08

One of long dog’s favourite places in the world is probably under the shelves at pet shops! Grin

SlothMama · 23/08/2019 10:05

I love taking my dog into shops, she loves going under the shelves at Pets at Home to find treats that have dropped. I took her in from an early age so she knows not to try and steal things, and its nice to let her choose toys occasionally!


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Floralnomad · 23/08/2019 09:39

My dog wouldn’t pee in a pet shop because he knows it’s indoors , it is an issue on the outdoor sections of garden centres so I tend not to take him as I don’t think it’s reasonable to pee on stuff that other people are buying even if it’s plants .

Branleuse · 23/08/2019 08:25

I hate seeing dogs pee in the pet shop. Keep a bloody eye. Ive seen them piss all over the range of pet beds.

missbattenburg · 23/08/2019 08:19

Yep, Battendog is much more likely to pee than eat anything.

It's a constant puzzle in garden centres - just how rude is it that he tries to pee on the outdoor plants?

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