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The doghouse

DH loves Ddog more than us (his family)

35 replies

MsMustDoBetter · 29/05/2019 22:12

DH asked me to stay up tonight so that I can observe him tuck up the puppy as I don't do it properly. He is being serious, apparently she needs to be in her bed (den like cosy) within the crate, BUT she also needs a blanket to be tucked over and around her.

This is really lovely and very sweet. We all love the puppy, but seriously! He's never even tucked the kids in with such tlc!

He also insists that she prefers classic fm and he buys her new treats almost every day and generally worships her as a goddess.

Is he mad or is he turning into an elderly drench woman? Please reassure me with your stories of OTT dog care - it's worse than PFB!

OP posts:
Empathy56 · 01/06/2019 02:58

My dh loves our little dog.They sleep in a different bedroom as I'm disabled and the cat sleeps with me.The dog means the world to us both but is the first dog we have had that my husband has truly loved.He is only 18 months old and a little terror but so loved.I think if my dh had to choose between me or the dog,the dog would win hands

MsMustDoBetter · 01/06/2019 23:28

Honey the three of them! So cute!

Are the outer two Beagles?

OP posts:
FrederickCreeding · 01/06/2019 23:32

On my goodness, Honey that's one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

This thread is making me want a dog even more than I already do.

Fedoratheexploreer · 01/06/2019 23:36

Me and DH are like this with both our dog and cat, even sometimes our fish😂. Our cat is very timid and shy and she gets a lot of special treatment and our dog gets tucked in every night. DH gets annoyed at me if I don’t say goodbye to them before we leave the house because he worries they’ll get sad.

Honeyroar · 02/06/2019 20:56

No MrsMustdobetter, the outer two are labs, but the one on the right is quite old and grey faced now, so doesn't look as much of a lab as he used to, plus the light in the photo isn't great.

Honeyroar · 02/06/2019 20:57

Fedora I'm intrigued as to how you tuck a fish into its bed.😀

Fedoratheexploreer · 02/06/2019 22:19

@Honeyroar DH would if he could😂.

spot102 · 03/06/2019 13:06

Almost in the same vein, I had a dog that was a complete pain in the behind - hated other dogs, had a penchant for nipping strangers, ended up with a doggy ASBO and needed constant vigilance. Anyway one morning she woke up paralysed. I (and family) spent a fortune, and six months lovingly nursing her back to health.
I could just feel people thinking why not quietly have her PTS, but couldn't do it all the time she seemed happy and was improving. But even myself, thought I'm just making more trouble for myself! Things we do for our pets!!

Saavhi · 03/06/2019 13:59

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat animals or anything vulnerable.

Your dp sounds lovely, op.

I catch my dp kissing my dog on the head but he denies it vehemently.

Saavhi · 03/06/2019 14:00

Also, I wish my I could tuck my dog in nice and comfy or make his crate cozy but he overheats very easily.

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