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Dog pulling on lead - help!!!

28 replies

Didthatreallyhappen2 · 28/01/2019 14:29

Our cockapoo is nearly 2 years old. In almost every respect he's wonderful, daft as a brush, soppy, very affectionate, absolutely the perfect family pet, and we all love him to bits.

But …. he pulls hugely on his lead on his walks. I walk him twice a day, at least half an hour each walk but usually more. I'm a SAHM so he's in and out of our big garden all the time, chasing squirrels etc etc. We knew he was a high energy breed, and were prepared to give long walks, but he pulls constantly. It's meant that I now have very bad sciatica (can barely get out of bed some days) and shoulder problems and I'm getting a bit desperate.

We tried him on a harness which was supposed to stop pulling. All it actually did was mean he could pull even more because he had the leverage (think "World's Strongest Man pulls caravan" sort of thing, and the angle that they can pull at). So we've put him back on a regular lead and collar and now, every time he pulls, we simply pull him back, stop walking, say "Stop" (or TBH "Ow" in my case), and then wait for a couple of seconds before starting again. Some days we have to do this every step of our walks.

Are we doing something wrong (or right, I ask hopefully). He is the most wonderful pet in almost every other way and we love him to bits, but this is becoming a real problem. Someone suggested putting a sort of muzzle headset on him, but he'd hate it and that seems like a punishment, which we don't want to do.

Thank you for reading. This was longer than I had anticipated.

OP posts:
BlueSlipperSocks · 31/01/2019 13:41

^^ If your dog jumps for the treat do not give the treat. Only treat when all 4 paws are on the floor, but dont stop to treat. As you give the treat say "good walking".

spot102 · 31/01/2019 13:40

Halti itself doesn't stop sniffing but may prevent your dog sniffing if you have a short lead as the lead attaches under the chin, not at the neck. You may therefore need a longer lead for the dogs head to actually reach the ground - especially with a tall dog.
Alternatively you could move the lead to the collar when dog is allowed to sniff.

BlueSlipperSocks · 31/01/2019 13:39

Method 2, Walking to heal with a constant stream of treats, I managed 2 miles like this and if you hold the treat in the hand so she can't eat it she will sniff at my hand and we don't end up bankrupt with a very podgy doggy

This is the method I use. When walking nicely, sniffing the treat, give the cue "good walking". Treat every few steps to start with, increasing the distance before you give the treat. In no time at all your dog will walk nicely on lead. Once he's grasped the cue "Good walking" you can then use it for him to walk to heel when not on lead. Good Luck 😊

villainousbroodmare · 31/01/2019 13:24

I used to walk a friend's terrier who pulled like a train unless he was wearing his backpack. The brand was Outward Hound. It was like a little horse rug, clipped in front and underneath, with pockets which you could put maybe a water bottle each side. Half full in his case. It was transformative for him. He loved it, would stick his head in and then march nicely beside you. I rarely put anything in the pockets, so it wasn't like it was weighing him down excessively.

Maneandfeathers · 31/01/2019 13:18

Why do haltis stop dogs sniffing Hmm

I walk all of mine in dogmatic headcollars. No bad back for me plus they can pant, sniff and do whatever they would normally be doing so I have no clue why people think they are cruel Confused

Treefloof · 30/01/2019 20:14

The lead method described above sounds like it was mislabelled

Quite possibly. I simply saw it on YouTube, saw it might work on the pulling dog and used it. It worked, I was happy, dog was happy. Then I got a second dog (who didn't need to be trained really)
Each dog alone is a dream to walk. Together, sigh.

Oh name changed too.

Theresahairbrushinthefridge · 30/01/2019 17:08

My osteopath (who has her own dog ) says she sees a huge number of clients whose wrist/ back/ shoulder problems are caused by pulling dogs.

Myranium · 30/01/2019 13:00

I'd recommend attaching the lead to a well fitting harness (one with a ring at the front if you want something that will make it physically difficult for him to pull) as pressure from pulling on a collar can be harmful. There's a good article about it here.

Kikopup on YouTube has a great playlist of videos on loose lead walking which are all well worth a watch.

I'd also recommend joining the Dog Training Advice and Support FB group as they've got some excellent resources in the 'Files' section concerning loose lead walking and it's also asked about very regularly so worth searching through posts to read as well.

peeblet · 30/01/2019 12:46

the halti headcollar doesnt stop them sniffing unless u choose to have a super short lead and pull them up. just works like a standard collar until they do start to purposefully pull

missbattenburg · 30/01/2019 12:19

300 peck is a method in which you train something one tiny increment at a time.

It comes from experiments with pigeons in which they were taught to peck a button 300 times in a row before being fed. They did it 1 peck at a time.

e.g. 1 peck

then 2 pecks

then 3 pecks

Each time the pigeon failed to give the right number of pecks they went back to the appropriate stage. For example, if they had built up to 10 pecks and then the pigeon only offered 2 pecks before giving up you would go back to 2 pecks, treat and work back up from there.

The lead method described above sounds like it was mislabelled or there was more to it than that. To use 300 peck to loose lead walk you would break it into steps or seconds.

e.g. 1 step of loose lead


2 steps of loose lead

and so on...

AvocadosBeforeMortgages · 30/01/2019 11:19

I haven't RTFT, but have you considered attaching your dog's lead to a special belt around your waist? It won't do anything to stop pulling, but it might help reduce your pain while you work on it?

This sort of thing

Didthatreallyhappen2 · 30/01/2019 11:13

Brilliant ideas everyone - thank you! (Spot102 - the examples of smells made me laugh out loud - have you been following me???) :)

I'm researching the halti at the moment. We've got deep snow at the moment so that is making walking with a pulling dog even harder - maybe I should get a sledge instead and just let him pull me along. Perseverance is obviously the key, along with a lot of knowhow. Thank you all - I am truly grateful (and in a bizarre way it's nice to know that I'm not on my own)!

OP posts:
billybagpuss · 29/01/2019 19:26

I do kind of agree with @Hoddykins regarding the halti as they can't sniff as comfortably. which is why we used it as a very specific solution to a very specific problem. Collies are very intelligent dogs it took a matter of days for the halti to make a difference that I didn't need it as much.

I used it a lot in the first week, then I'd put it on for the beginning of the walk when she's at her most reactive and its easy when she's calmed a little to slip it off her nose and let it dangle down, then put it back on again if necessary.

spot102 · 29/01/2019 19:16

Trouble is its the nose down thing that can be half the problem (in my experience) - its like ohh there's a nice smell, yank - and another one over here, yank - oohh and found a nice smelly pile here, yank!!!

But yes, they do like to have a good sniff around, just need to remember about the long-suffering person on the other end of the lead!

Hoddykins · 29/01/2019 18:56

Please don't use a halti - I think it takes away all the pleasure from a dog on it's walk - they can't put their nose down and have a good sniff Sad

Walks are for the dogs - not for the humans!

But I agree with all the above posters! Unfortunately it isn't a quick fix and they've shared some great methods!

spot102 · 29/01/2019 18:45

Two things I found helped with my dog who was an enthusiastic puller:

Halti - works really well, ideal as a quick solution, but watch out for them biting chin strap and rendering it useless. Keeps you in control of their head and was the only thing I found that really worked well.

Harness and springy lead attached to handsfree belt. Was actually a canicross belt/lead (similar available from pet shops), but only used for walking (Obviously could also use if for running if so desired, great if running is your thing). Allowed the dog to walk ahead without yanking me. Didn't necessarily stop her pulling, just reduced the effects.

Obviously proper training is your best long term friend!

Things I did wrong, training-wise:
Walked dog on the school run - was always late and didn't have time to do any form of training
Took another dog along, they just competed and still no effective training

bunnygeek · 29/01/2019 13:05

Some more tips here :)

peeblet · 28/01/2019 20:24

Halti turns my dog into a showdog in seconds. perfect walking from the second its on!

MattMagnolia · 28/01/2019 20:23

Ours is a very bright little dog so I don’t know why he doesn’t understand that he can’t get there any faster by pulling. I get so cross, it’s spoiling our walks. Can I use a head collar on a titchy dog?

Flooffloof · 28/01/2019 20:21
Flooffloof · 28/01/2019 20:19

Eh the 300 peck method. Is some videos on YouTube that I can't seem to link to.
But as your walking along, every time the dog pulls you turn in a 380 circle with the dog, give treat/use clicker, carry on walking. Dunno why it's called 300 peck.
It's similar to stop and wait for dog to concentrate on you. But more direct I think.
Also quick to work. I tried the stop and wait for dog to notice me. I waited a vvvvery looong time for the dog to remember me.

billybagpuss · 28/01/2019 19:58

@flooffloof Its competitive, we only ever walk 2 dogs when helping our neighbour out, who also has a collie. Ours is 11 months theirs 4 years. Ours just HAS to be in front no matter what, we've noticed even when there are 2 of us with a dog each.

Whats the '300 method'?


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Flooffloof · 28/01/2019 15:57

She very rarely needs it now only if I'm trying to walk more than 1 dog

Jumping in on your OP sorry didthat.
I have a similar problem when walking both dogs. Each one alone is just fine and happy to putter along besides me.
Take them both together (every damn day) and both pull, but one stops if I do, moves if I do, just at the end of the lead. I get around that by having a spring end lead.
The other just pulls like a train trying to be in front. And so every day I end up figure of 8 lead. I just want to walk em both together without drama.
I tried the 300 method, which works fabulously alone. It's how I got them to walk to heel in the first place.
That's not going to work with 2 dogs.

Iamblossom · 28/01/2019 15:45

I use a halti and it is a gamechanger.

Also we are lucky enough to have lots of walks round here where he can run freely and doesn't need a lead

billybagpuss · 28/01/2019 15:41

I have used a couple of methods:

Method 1, Halti collar, Billypup absolutely hates it, but days when we don't have time to use methods 2 or 3 it does work. We used it as a very specific solution to a specific problem and initially only needed it for a couple of days before we had a massive improvement. She very rarely needs it now only if I'm trying to walk more than 1 dog or there are a lot of early morning squirrels about.
Method 2, Walking to heal with a constant stream of treats, I managed 2 miles like this and if you hold the treat in the hand so she can't eat it she will sniff at my hand and we don't end up bankrupt with a very podgy doggy.
Method 3, (the most irritating) Every time the second the lead goes tight stop dead and say no, call her back to heal. It does work but takes soooo long to get anywhere.

I've been working on this for a good 2 to 3 months now and we very very rarely use the halti, mostly now using Method 3 now and the second I stop now she repositions herself in the heal position (with a side order of looking extremely pissed off) Our walks have got much calmer.

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