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Lack of early socialisation - how much of a problem?

29 replies

broccolicheesebake · 01/12/2018 18:42

Novice owner here of two rehomed dogs, a chi and a pug cross. Previous owners didn't walk them and I suspect they had little early socialisation. This manifests itself in the chi, particularly reacting to other dogs... Up on hind legs, snarling. She is also growly with strangers to the house, though soon comes round. Rescue aren't forthcoming with help or advice. I guess I'm just wondering how much of a problem this is going to be and whether the growliness/reaction to other dogs is likely to escalate or can be managed? I have two DDs (one of whom is 3) so just want to be clear I guess on what I'm dealing with and whether I need to be concerned?

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WeeMadArthur · 04/12/2018 12:19

My DDog was undersocialised as a puppy, we got her at just over a year old and while she is great now with us ( after being terrified of everything in the house for a week) she is still very anxious/ timid/ growls with others.

She has absolutely no interest in other people talking to her or patting her, it makes her anxious and she will back off if approached by anyone but us and a couple of fellow dog walkers she sees regularly, and even at that she only relaxes when it is me DH or DS, she just tolerates others touching her. It’s as if she doesn’t understand why anyone but her family would be wanting to interact with her.

She is very reactive to anyone coming to the house to deliver parcels etc and is tense and growls if a stranger comes into the house and will not relax. If someone she knows comes in she is still tense although doesn’t growl, she just wonders why they are there.

When I first started walking and socialising her I took out a lot of treats and either rewarded her for a positive (calm/ happy) interaction with other dogs and people or used them to distract her so she focussed on the treats rather than the other dog or person. I also gave the other dog walkers I bumped into her back story so that they would understand not to try and pet her. If they were willing I gave them some treats to give her so that she associated people with treats ( and now if she sees someone going into their pocket she assumes they have treats and she goes and sits politely for hers!)

I believe that you can alter they way they react to whatever bothers them but I’m not sure you can really remove the programming in their brains that a lack of socialisation puts in place. DDog is a lot better than she was, but she will never be completely normal in her reaction to people and I will always have to be aware and ready to step in if someone rushes up to touch her.

broccolicheesebake · 04/12/2018 12:02

Oh I've read it can affect both males and females... Will speak to vet about it when I take them for vaccs. I've emailed a trainer to help me with some one to one sessions, I haven't got the skills to deal with the ragey chi alone Confused

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AvocadosBeforeMortgages · 04/12/2018 06:00

Re spaying, it can be an issue for male dogs who need all the testosterone-derived confidence they can get, so being castrated causes a drop in testosterone and can make fear based problems worse. I've never heard of an equivalent issue with females, but you can of course ask the behaviourist.

Naturally, however, keep the kids away from from the dog when she's recovering from surgery. Pain, including that derived from being prodded, can make even the nicest of dog a grumpy snappy thing (pain has much the same effect on me)

@OhWot do we have the same dog? Grin

OhWotIsItThisTime · 04/12/2018 05:37

My rescue was only taken for ten minutes around the block by his previous owner. When we got him, he was a nightmare - barking at other dogs and struggling at the end of the lead.

Got in a behaviourist, stuffed him full of sausage. He is a frustrated greeter, though. Desperate to make friends. It’s been a long slog but now he’s fantastic with DM’s dog and (mostly) with other dogs.

Get in a specialist and see what they say.

broccolicheesebake · 03/12/2018 20:43

Thanks Nessie!

As an aside, I have to get chi spayed as part of adoption contract but I've read this can make fearful dogs worse?!

Any views/experience on this?

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Nesssie · 03/12/2018 15:51

So you need to take her somewhere (on her own) where there are people walking past. Sit on a a bench with loads of tiny size high quality treats (sausages, cheese, chicken etc)

Every time someone approaches chuck her some treats. Feed the minute she see the person and keep feeding until they have passed.
Keep going until eventually she starts looking at you every time she spots someone. If she is still reacting, then you are a bit close, and need to go somewhere where people will pass further away.

Soon she will look at you when ever she sees someone, and you can use that on walks - either use the distraction of her looking at you to change direction/cross the road, or give her treats to walk past the person without reacting.

There's a FB group called Dog Training Advice and Support that will be able to help you work through all the issues.

broccolicheesebake · 03/12/2018 15:39

Thanks avocados. Tricky as I am on my own with two DDs so evening/night times are out. Going somewhere quieter would involve car journeys but I could at least do occasionally.

Yes, definitely need a more secure harness, I'll look in to one you suggest, thanks!

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AvocadosBeforeMortgages · 03/12/2018 15:30

Is there anywhere you can take her with fewer people, or your usual area at a less busy time? For instance less popular woods or a secure dog walking field? She's obviously finding these walks quite stressful too and each time she reacts she's practicing the behaviour and it essentially becomes more ingrained. Finding an area where there are fewer people will mean chi is less ragey and less stressed.

When I lived in London where motorbikes are bloody everywhere with a motorbike reactive dog, I took substantial detours and planned routes to avoid all but the quietest of roads. It made life a lot easier. Now we've moved somewhere with far fewer motorbikes, life seems a lot easier again!

One thing I did with my own 'tricky' dog was to switch from a collar to a Perfect Fit harness. I don't regret it because
a) it means he's no longer pulling on his throat when he reacts (an unpleasant sensation that he then associates with his triggers, which won't help)
b) on the few occasions I've had to grab him it gives me more to grab onto
c) there's no way he can slip a Perfect Fit harness
d) there's two points of contact, which means you can use a double ended lead and prevent a repeat of today

Good news about the boarder!

broccolicheesebake · 03/12/2018 14:23

Just had a really stressful walk. Chi was barking at any humans approaching head on (more threatening head on? People to her side were OK)... She then escaped her lead chasing after a cat Shock. Luckily she couldnt go too far as it was enclosed area in front of a house. It wasn't collar slipping either, the metal clip came away from metal ring on collar... In other news, she met dog sitting person today and was obviously nervous but after some initial barking, she came round. Walking is going to be a mare.... Don't think I'll be able to do it as a family thing. I can't supervise girls and ragey chi at same time Confused

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broccolicheesebake · 03/12/2018 10:48

Thank you very much Avocados much appreciated. I'll take a look

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AvocadosBeforeMortgages · 03/12/2018 10:31

South Wales can be a bit of a minefield and there are certainly a substantial number of dangerous quacks (Welsh Dog Whisperer springs to mind as being thoroughly awful).

However, in terms of people with the right qualifications, try (more towards Carmarthenshire)

If you can sort out the travel, Bristol has something of a cluster of good behaviourists e.g.

broccolicheesebake · 03/12/2018 10:03

Thanks avocados. Insured with Legal and general.... I'll check if behaviour is covered. I'm in Gwent, South Wales.

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AvocadosBeforeMortgages · 03/12/2018 00:13

It does sound like the rescue is of questionable quality. There are a lot of people with good intentions in the animal welfare world, some of whom don't always get it right.

On the plus side, the capacity of a chi to cause injury is not as great as that of a larger dog. Not no capacity, but I'd sooner be bitten by a chi than a great dane...

She does sound like a dog who is very anxious about the world - about other dogs, about people coming into her home etc.

Re the lap thing, it's really impossible for anyone to make any suggestions about it - it's a one off (so far), we haven't seen it in person and there are no clear patterns emerging. If it does start to become a pattern, it may be an issue around resource guarding (but at this stage, it may be absolutely nothing). Again, it's something for a behaviourist to help with.

Who are you insured with? Some companies, including PetPlan, will cover it. If you are willing to post your county I'm sure we could find a good behaviourist in your neck of the woods. Whatever you do, look for someone who uses positive reinforcement and avoid anyone who talks about pack leadership like the plague.

broccolicheesebake · 02/12/2018 20:15

Yes, I might have to. Behaviour support from rescue hasnt been great. I am wondering if the rescue made an error of judgement really, a nervous dog and three year old arent a great mix. She's taken to disappearing upstairs quite often when DD is about. She's pooping up there too sometimes aswell (even though housetrained and knows to use garden)

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PlateOfBiscuits · 02/12/2018 18:59

Could you get a behaviourist round to see her in action and give you their opinion/advice?

OrcinusOrca · 02/12/2018 16:51

Ooooh I've just seen the lap thing too.

My girl did this at my other dog. As soon as she did it I picked her up and put her down on the floor. Didn't say anything or do anything else just removed her from me/sofa. She calmed down after a few weeks with that. My boy who's a big dog would come near for fuss and she would growl and if he didn't move (he wouldn't, he's like 'pffft you're tiny as if I'll listen to you...') she would lunge and try to bite his face. I think she just needed to realise she wasn't allowed to dictate everything and I do let her on the sofa etc now, she's the only one of my three allowed on actually Blush they all get on like a house on fire too, no lasting effects. Had those two together for nearly five years now.

OrcinusOrca · 02/12/2018 16:47

To be honest, I wouldn't bank on being able to fix the chi. I'd say you'd never be able to trust it and need to manage the situation as well as you can. The advantage of small dogs is that most people don't bat an eyelid when they go berserk, unlike big dogs (I have two big one small), and they are much easier to keep under control if they do react.

My small dog is reactive on lead but only when I walk her. She tries to protect me, she doesn't give a stuff about DH and he can walk her perfectly fine, I still tell him never to trust her near other people or dogs though. If you let her off lead she trots along beautifully right by your side and barely moves, but on a lead she thinks she's a lion! She has cuddled small children and adored them, and then done her best to bite adult's legs (please note the cuddled small children thing was before she ever bit anyone, she's never been trusted to get that close since).

I feel like my small dog has never gotten over being in a rescue etc, she's an insecure little thing but she's also a wonderful pet, she's just not quite wired right, but I don't think you ever really know what's in their past if they're a rescue. It's a big commitment having dogs like our's and I can see why people go out and buy puppies instead.

broccolicheesebake · 02/12/2018 16:35

Is the territorial stuff, within normal limits or behaviour I need to be concerned about? I put them in crate earlier when visitor due to arrive. Fine in crate but growling and barking at visitor when they arrived. Is the behaviour likely to escalate if not addressed?

Thanks biscuits...comment noted.

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PlateOfBiscuits · 02/12/2018 10:41

whilst she was on my lap
As an aside I would say don’t let the dogs become lapdogs as it sounds like they have it in them to become possessive.

My mum’s dog is like a whole other being since it started work with a behaviourist. It took a lot of hard work but is now a really lovely dog.

broccolicheesebake · 02/12/2018 09:40

.... (they've been pretty quiet over night up until now even though barking at things passing by during day). At rescue they were exercised in field so didn't have contact with other dogs. I suspect they haven't seen what she's like on a walk in urban area.

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broccolicheesebake · 02/12/2018 09:30

Thank you Vall. Dog is 4 years old. Very early days, only been with us a couple of weeks but I've seen territorial behaviour develop over that time. Last night the chi was making noise overnight at anything passing the window (not all night thankfully but for a period when I first went up to bed).

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Vallahalagonebutnotforgotten · 02/12/2018 09:13

I am a behaviourist! and my children ......


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Vallahalagonebutnotforgotten · 02/12/2018 09:12

Think carefully about this one......the chances are that you need to be in it for the long haul. I hate making decisions by breed but this is quite common behaviour in Chi and can be very very difficult , expensive and time consuming to change.

The "behavourist" at the rescue can not just walk away from issues like this. If they do not give you a behaviour plan I would seriously question if this is the dog for your family.

I am concerned about the behaviour and the fact that you have a child.

I am and my children live with dog reactive dogs but your issues are bigger than just dog reactivity. - be careful

How old is the dog and how long have you had it?

broccolicheesebake · 02/12/2018 09:08

Thanks smurf. The woman who runs rescue is a behaviourist. She basically told me to redirect her with sausages and find a local trainer Hmm. Redirection is fine, but places locally I'd set aside for walking are full of dogs which makes it all very stressful.

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LittleBLUEsmurfHouse · 02/12/2018 07:57

I think it was really irresponsible of the rescue to re-home a dog reactive dog to a home with a 3yr old. Its too easy for a 3yr old to get hurt by mistake when the dog goes into a frenzy about another dog.

Either find a proper behaviourist or contact dogs trust. Dogs Trust now have Dog School and will help and advise regardless of where the dog came from.

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