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The doghouse

Dog poo and children!

4 replies

limitedscreentime · 08/05/2018 09:07

I keep finding new and wonderful things I never knew existed so wondering......

After you pick up dog poo (thinking about the garden with young children), do you clean the grass with anything to clean residue?! If it’s a lot I’ll hose it, but otherwise I don’t do anything - not sure if I should!

OP posts:
Lonecatwithkitten · 16/05/2018 06:58

There is a recent study that shows that if you worm the dog monthly you reduce the risk of toxocara transmission in your home environment to zero. This is due the fact that you break the lifecycle completely.

limitedscreentime · 15/05/2018 23:16

Thanks! The dog is new so getting used to a new diet but seems to have settled down tummy wise. The toddler has taken to pooing on the grass instead (also having to wash that down). Lawn will be good this year at least!

OP posts:
ErrolTheDragon · 08/05/2018 09:23

When our DD was young we kept an area fenced off (just some trellis panels tied together, easily moved for mowing) for the dog to use.

The next dog liked royal canin, there's rarely any 'residue' - if your dog tends to be loose you might want to adjust his diet.

And (obviously!) worm regularly.

BiteyShark · 08/05/2018 09:13

I use a watering can so we just wash the area a bit with water.

I don't have children to worry about but I figure there isn't a lot more you can do to clean it.

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