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The doghouse

How to get next doors damn dog to shut up!?

5 replies

CatFaceCrayola · 10/07/2014 11:41

We have some new neighbours with 2 small yapping dogs.
I'm not sure if the neighbours actually live there or are just doing the place up, but the dogs seem to be left alone for hours. And when alone one of them in particular barks nonstop. It's a terraced house so the noise travels. Strangely they seem to leave the back door open when they are out, meaning the dogs are louder and that my back yard is now a no go area.

Have tried knocking a few times but they're either not in or not answering. Put a very polite and carefully worded note through their door but it didn't help.

Surely they can't be happy dogs if they bark all day?

It is driving me mad... What can I do?

OP posts:
CatFaceCrayola · 10/07/2014 15:49

Will start trying to log and record.

Worried that I'll cause bad blood with the neighbours if I contact environmental health or whoever though.

But I'll be home during summer holidays and if I have to endure this all day every day I'll go insane!

OP posts:
moosemama · 10/07/2014 13:46

If you've tried to contact them and left a polite note the next step is either a chat with your local dog warden or environmental health department or both.

Keep a log of when they're making a noise and record them if you can to demonstrate just how bad it is, as they'll most likely ask you to do this anyway.

vjg13 · 10/07/2014 13:05

If you have tried a polite approach you could contact environmental health at your council for advice. We live next door to a 'barker' and it is very annoying. I don't let my dogs stand barking in the garden so why should I listen to their's!

EvansOvalPiesYumYum · 10/07/2014 11:53

Some dogs bark when they're happy and excited. My sister has two Jack Russells, and I am so pleased I don't live near her, as they would drive me absolutely demented. Neighbours of ours have a deep-barking German Shepherd, a Bassett Hound (who does a howling bark) and a yappy Jack Russell, another neighbour has a sheepdog. Another neighbour dog-sits in her home. All lovely dogs, but the barking, from early in the morning until late at night - Gaaahh!!

Not very helpful, I'm afraid, as I don't know what to do either, without upsetting someone.

SnakeyMcBadass · 10/07/2014 11:47

If the note didn't work, I'd make a formal complaint to the council. Poor dogs are probably demented.

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