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The doghouse

A big dog bit my sons friends SCHOOLBAG on the way home from school

15 replies

spiderbabymum · 24/04/2014 16:53

Son and pal were walking home ....we live around the corner from the school and they walk home like this once a week ....walk takes about 4 minutes

A German shepherd bit my sons friends SCHOOLBAG ....

Bag is damaged ....obv bite mark

Wee boy VERY shaken and upset

I'm not a dog owner

May have been witnessed by another mum

Boy describes totally unprovoked and sudden attack without growling or warning .

Poor boy very upset after

It seems the owner was in the back garden using a garden hose

Plenty of toddlers in the area

I plan to call in to speak with owner ? Thoughts

OP posts:
Jenda · 24/04/2014 18:36

Glad you told police, you would feel awful if it attacked someone else and you hadn't said anything. Don't know if its worth getting boy's mum to as well?
Best not to confront the owner either, some dog owners are scary Grin

Jenda · 24/04/2014 18:36

Glad you told police, you would feel awful if it attacked someone else and you hadn't said anything. Don't know if its worth getting boy's mum to as well?
Best not to confront the owner either, some dog owners are scary Grin

hmc · 24/04/2014 17:50

Brilliant - they will probably visit the dog owner, give him a stern warning and hopefully he will keep the dog secured in future

spiderbabymum · 24/04/2014 17:46

They are going to come over !

OP posts:
spiderbabymum · 24/04/2014 17:46

They were super efficient

Suggest leaving it to them

That really suits me !

Do not want to face potentially cross owner

OP posts:
spiderbabymum · 24/04/2014 17:40

Police informed

OP posts:
spiderbabymum · 24/04/2014 17:40

Guys you are fab

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hmc · 24/04/2014 17:40

Definitely report to police. Highly irresponsible dog owner

vjg13 · 24/04/2014 17:36

Also tell the school so other parents can be made aware of this dog.

saintmerryweather · 24/04/2014 17:33

Let the police and dog warden know

spiderbabymum · 24/04/2014 17:29

thanks so much

Yes dog was out on its own

Spoke with someone who lives closer .....she thinks that dog reg let out to soil pavements

She is concerned for her toddler

Yes I did consider letting the police know

It clearly me could have been so much worse

The boy who was bitten has grown up with a large dog in his house he would be well used to dogs

?? Possibly why he was targeted ....scent

Just feel so responsible as boys were in my care

Have a baby at home

So was wonderful for me when the boys make their own way home

Sadly I will have to accompany them now

REGardless of other issue ...they are both too scared

Very sad

As they were so chuffed to be given permission and wer growing in confidence

OP posts:
tabulahrasa · 24/04/2014 17:18

I'd phone the police non emergency number as well - they'll come out and make sure he keeps the dog under control.

Daisybelleblue · 24/04/2014 17:15

Was the dog on its own then ?Just wandering the street
As Floralnomad has said I would encourage that lads parents to talk to the dog owner.
Then take it from there.

Morgause · 24/04/2014 17:14

I'd report it to the police non emergency number. It could just have easily bitten the child.

Floralnomad · 24/04/2014 17:12

I think the mum of the other boy should go and see the owners .

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