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why would someone do

53 replies

Nagoo · 25/07/2013 16:06


OP posts:
Wheresmycaffeinedrip · 25/07/2013 23:12

I hope they can help hoover well done for forwarding. I'd give anything to be able to have a dog and she's sooooo beautiful. :(

patienceisvirtuous · 25/07/2013 23:13

Not interested in any paperwork :-(

Wheresmycaffeinedrip · 25/07/2013 23:15

Shock there's actually a pet section wtf

MissMarplesBloomers · 25/07/2013 23:21

On the right handside, under "Upgrade now" there is a report button.

I did it under the suspicious ad tab.

Wheresmycaffeinedrip · 25/07/2013 23:27

I'm on my mobile I can't find anything to report the ad

Itsnotahoover · 25/07/2013 23:29

The only problem with reporting it is that the ad will get removed and they'll probably just sell the poor thing on fb instead :(

Wheresmycaffeinedrip · 25/07/2013 23:30

:( she's just so sweet looking

Doodledumdums · 25/07/2013 23:40

She's very loved?! What, so loved that you want to swap her?! Doesn't exactly reek of love to me!

I saw an advert on gumtree once where a bloke wanted to swap his staffy for a motorbike. Unbelievable!

You should have to pass some sort of competancy test to be able to own pets, some people just don't have a clue.

sweetkitty · 26/07/2013 08:12

I had a quick look on the site just at the breed I am getting and there was quite a few adult dogs looking for homes through no fault of their own Hmm

And of course loads of puppy adverts, loads of these new cross breeds too

Poor wee pug whose to say in a few years if they get a Bassett hound that they won't be swapping it after its had a few pups and made some money Hmm

ChickensHaveNoEyebrows · 26/07/2013 09:00

There are always adolescent dogs for sale on Preloved. Once the dog stops being a cute puppy, and its lack of training starts causing issues, they sell them on. Poor bloody dogs, passed from pillar to post :(

Fenton · 26/07/2013 09:08

I've got a football table she can have as a swap, should do the job, will keep the kids amused this summer.

Poor little thing, has no idea what crap owners she's ended up with. Sad

HaudYerWheest · 26/07/2013 09:23

What a shame poor girl. I just don't understand how people can be like that. I love my dog and he is well and truly part of the family I would never swap him or want to give him up he will be with us forever. It makes me mad to think people act in this way with animals. The poor wee pug will be better off with another family if that's the way the treat their pets

thegriffon · 26/07/2013 09:23

This is so sad, what a terrible life the dog must be having with such an uncaring owner, could be ill as well. They want a female puppy because daughter has already chosen a name Hmm they must be really thick if they think people will believe that.
I've just e mailed to complain about ad, under category of dog welfare concerns. Also asked advertisers if they ever get rescue organisations involved in this kind of situation, perhaps a stupid question but will be interested to see what they say, if they reply.

sweetkitty · 26/07/2013 09:32

We're getting a puppy soon (not a rescue I know Hmm) have doesn't a year deciding, researching breeds, been to visit a breeder, name on waiting list, she will be spayed as I don't want to bring any more puppies into the world and be responsible for finding them loving homes, I've bought puppy training books and we are adapting our lifestyle for her. She will be a member of our family.

What kind of message is it giving to children, oh when you get fed up with a dog you can swap it for another Hmm

I think animals should be banned from preloved and sites like that altogether, you should only be able to get an animal from a rescue or an approved breeder who must be vetted (ideal world I know).

CrabbyBigBottom · 26/07/2013 09:35

Have just sent this message on the report function...

Is this a fucking joke?? How can you let idiots like advertise their poor animals as though they are toys to be swapped by primary school kids?

Makes me Angry Angry

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 26/07/2013 09:42

AIBU to log on and leave a comment?

Hmm Hmm Hmm

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 26/07/2013 09:55

I've just joined for a fiver and sent this message:

"Please don't get rid of your poor little girl. She loves you and deserves your love, not to be passed off like some kids toy.

You do realise a Bassett Hound is huge, don't you? A puppy will grow up into a huge dog.

We think this ad is a front for dog abuse and we will have you shut down."

Just in case it is genuine and the person really is a thick as shit bastard who doesn't deserve that dog. Hope it has some effect, although for people like that I really don't know what to say.


MultumInParvo · 26/07/2013 09:58

Pug pups sell at around £1000 so I'm guessing that she maybe can't have another litter so she's not 'profitable' anymore. Christ, I'm not profitable anymore. Hope dh doesn't swap me Grin

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 26/07/2013 10:00

And then I reported it with this:

"You cannot give pets away like they are old toys! This person doesn't deserve a dog! And she definitely doesn't want a bassett, they're huge! This ad is so awful that it could well be a front for dog baiting. I can't believe anyone could be so heartless."

Really hope it has some effect.

tabulahrasa · 26/07/2013 10:10

'There are always adolescent dogs for sale on Preloved. Once the dog stops being a cute puppy, and its lack of training starts causing issues, they sell them on.'

And pets4homes and gumtree...often with a mention of how much they paid so it's worth x or saying they want to get some of their money back, like they're a used bike :(

tompuss · 26/07/2013 10:46

I saw an advert on Preloved, last week for a 7 year old Tibetan Terrier bitch for £75 pounds 'useful for breeding'. I was so shocked and saddened. Having seen this thread I wish I had reported it.

Itsnotahoover · 26/07/2013 13:01

Well it looks like the advert has gone but poor thing will probably be sold on elsewhere :(


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thegriffon · 26/07/2013 14:32

just had a reply re my complaint to Preloved, say they've removed the ad. Won't help the poor dog though. They ignored my question about rescue.

Wheresmycaffeinedrip · 26/07/2013 15:06


Itsnotahoover · 26/07/2013 17:05

Yes I've had a similar reply. Got this from Pug welfare though:

Hello Jill, thank you for your email. I know it is really disgusting that there are ads like this but we are in a sticky situation. These people are not breaking the law, though some of us have different ideas about it and they are definitely not taking a moral approach to rehoming their dogs. We very much have our hands tied as we can't buy each pug who appears on these sites and it feels as though we are sitting back and doing nothing. The most effective thing to do,I think , is to do what you have done and contact the sites directly and protest about them placing the ads online. Hopefully they will get the message that the public do not want to see ads like this and they might do something about it. We can only hope that she gets someone who will give her a lovely home and lots of love.

Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention.

Best wishes Margaret Trossell (Rehoming Secretary)

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