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Have you seen/signed the puppy/kitten farm e-petition yet?

6 replies

RedwingWinter · 08/05/2013 21:37

It's started by Marc Abraham (@Marcthevet) and @Pupaid and is here:

with more info here if you want it.

If you're getting a puppy, it's very important to see the mum, and preferably both parents. There are lots of threads on here with advice about finding a good breeder or rescue; unfortunately pups from puppy farms are raised in deplorable conditions and often have health and behavioural problems.

OP posts:
RedwingWinter · 10/05/2013 21:09

Thank you Mutt!!

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Mutt · 10/05/2013 18:43

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RedwingWinter · 10/05/2013 18:38

Thank you for signing and sharing! Smile

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Lilcamper · 10/05/2013 18:12

Signed and shared! I also know that someone caught importing puppies from Ireland has applied for permission to sell puppies in her shop! Bloody shocking!

Gingersstuff · 10/05/2013 17:18

I've signed this and shared on facebook. Completely agree. Our lab had a litter to our golden retriever...I'm happy to say our 9 owners (we kept the 10th baby) were responsible enough to only buy from us because we had both the mother and father to view and they were obviously well-loved family pets. I deplore puppy farming.

RedwingWinter · 09/05/2013 20:24

Just giving this a bump. They got 10,000 signatures in two days which is fantastic, but need to get 100,000.

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