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Staffy owners - do you get a negative response from others?

34 replies

diplodocus · 01/02/2013 13:45

Hi. We're hoping to get a rescue puppy / young dog in the next few months, and I regularly look at the websites of our local rescue charities (I'm keen to get one that's been fostered in a home rather than in kennels as think you get a better idea of suitability). I have 2 primary-aged children so obviously a dog that is good with children is our main priority. I tend to find that a lot of the dogs that are identified by the rescue homes as "suitable for young children" are staffies or staffy crosses. I wouldn't have a problem at all with a staffy - I've read a bit about them, the one's I know are lovely, gentle dogs and I feel they have an undeserved bad press. I could see the right one fitting in really well with our family and lifestyle, and we would obviously train it and not leave it alone with the children the same as we would with any dog. I was just wondering about whether owners find other people's negative reactions to them a problem? I'm thinking about other parents being wary of letting their kids coming round to play etc. because we have a "dangerous dog". Do you feel your staffy has to be "whiter than white" as normal boisterous behaviour is misconstrued as something more sinister?

OP posts:
Twattybollocks · 01/02/2013 21:57

I did get some raised eyebrows from a couple of parents, but once they actually meet the dog they don't have an issue, its patently obvious that she is just a mad bouncy thing who wants to play with everyone and drown them in soggy dog snogs. She is actually very gentle with smaller kids. She is good with other dogs, but I don't let her off lead unless I know the owners. Kids can't walk her though, as although she doesn't pull constantly like some staffs she does have the odd squirrel moment and is more than capable of pulling a small adult down the road!
It's not until you feel the pull on the end of the lead that you realise that they are in fact small bundles of iron strong muscle.

Spero · 01/02/2013 22:04

I have a girl staffs from a rescue and nearly everyone I know was rolling their eyes and making comments - my mum was really upset, queried safety of my daughter etc, etc.

Of course, she is a lovely lump, well socialised at puppy training and very popular at the local park where she either plays nicely or just ignores other dogs.

But I have had quite a few experiences of people whipping their children out of the way (even when being walked by my 8 year old) and some comments (one man told another to 'watch out' for his dog as we approached!) plus I never see other staffies at the more upper crust dog venues we frequent...

However my mum has totally come round and bought her three chew toys for Christmas...

I think they are lovely dogs and with good training and good socialising, should be no problem and a lovely family pet.

Jayne266 · 02/02/2013 05:49

I have 2 SBT who I call piglets Tbh when people ask me what dogs I have I get a look from them
Straight away but for us they seem to be classed as chavy (near me which is funny as since I have moved in my cul de sac I have noticed 3 other neighbours now have them).

I think no matter what dog you get being near a child is up to you and your training. Mine don't pull on the lead and are ok with other dogs but they are always on a lead (they have big enemies called cats) so I wouldn't want to loose themHmm.

Regarding children I have no worries what so ever my brother looked after
My two when I was away and when I picked them up I found one of them in the living room with my young nephew licking his toes and playing with him and the other in bed snoring with my older nephew (under the covers with her head on the pillow). I also have 6 month 3 week old and no issues at all to be honest the cat is more of a worry. And weaning is easy as every bit of food that fell on the floor the dogs ate (also good food

They do get a bad rep because of arsehole owners and because they look like a pit bull (which is a whole separate issue)

Bad issues (lighthearted) -they snore they don't need as much grooming care so I wasted my money buying all those cleaning brushes. They can look a bit silly in those dog coats and if they eat something that doesn't agree with them they don't have anyway to disguise that wind. Mine can just walk up the stairs and fart.

But no matter what dog you get you have made my day by thinking about getting a rescue.

diplodocus · 02/02/2013 11:32

You all sound like you have such lovely dogs. Where I live is a small, rather classy country village - a bit "lab and spaniel central" IYKWIM? We would stick out like a sore thumb, but to be honest whatever we get that's likely to be the case as not many rescue-type mutts about (to be honest even without a dog we manage to stand out a bit round here!). The advantage is we back onto open countryside so not heavily populated with other dogs and their owners. Only issue would be if we walk the kids to school with the dog, which we were intending to do (on the lead obviously)- I could invisage a few raised eyebrows. Jayne - good to know about the farting - one of the main advantages is I'll now be able to blame the dog as the kids are now refusing to accept the blame!

OP posts:
LadyTurmoil · 02/02/2013 12:32

If you look at this thread Pg 2 at the moment So, getting a puppy, the update - We found our forever resue dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks mumsnet Grin you'll see that they are very, very happy with the 2yo Staffy they got from a rescue...

Thingymajigs · 02/02/2013 12:44

I live in a housing association area and the only dogs owned are Staffys. My next door neighbour owns one which is aggressive, loud and is let outside on its own as if it was a cat instead of being walked. I know for certain that its the owners and not the breed of dog to blame but the stigma is rife.

girlsyearapart · 02/02/2013 12:49

Yes I have 4dc and an extremely soppy docile almost 12 year old Staffie.

Even when I'm walking with the kids & the dog (on a lead) people cross the road to get away from him.

Makes me wonder seeing as quite obviously i have children.

Lots & lots of people asked what we going to 'do with the dog' when I was pregnant with dd1.

He is a lovely dog and ds 14mo is especially fond of him.

LadyTurmoil · 02/02/2013 16:18
Jayne266 · 02/02/2013 19:36
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