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newdog has eaten tinfoil<sigh> what do I do

16 replies

Jingleallthejay · 17/12/2012 16:31

newdog has eaten a tinfoil case from a mince pie he nicked from the bin I didnt even notice i was in another room there was just a few bits left and I dont know what to do will it come out will it cut him or get blocked ,

OP posts:
MothershipG · 19/12/2012 12:55

We had our first Xmas poo yesterday. Blush A bit of red shiny fabric that I was using for wrapping presents, I knew she'd chewed a little corner off so I was expecting it! Grin

ClaimedByMe · 19/12/2012 12:49

I thought I had escaped this but mnstaff ate a tea bag earlier, it could have been a green tea bag, a peppermint tea bag or a Scottish blend tea bag, I'm guess as she steals tea out of our mugs she will be fine?

WhenSantaGotStuckUpACunnyFunt · 19/12/2012 12:45

Xmas Grin at gift wrapped poo Xmas Grin

Cuebill · 18/12/2012 16:25

At least the poo will come out ready wrapped and will be easy to pick up.........wonders if the idea will catch on foil wrapped poo.

Not meaning to be a bore, I love Christmas, but do take care of what your dogs can get hold of. Christmas is also a time to be extra careful there is so much that can harm a dog and generally routines etc are different.

Christmas pudding very toxic to dogs so hide the pudding or cake
Cooked bones from the turkey etc
wrapping paper and ribbons
plastic wrapping from presents
pine needles from the tree
Poinsettias, Amaryllis and Mistletoe are all dangerous to dogs and cats
electric cables from lights etc
Even a tiny drop of antifreeze

Give those dogs an early morning long run on Christmas day then put them somewhere safe and quiet while the house is in chaos

Lonecatwithkitten · 18/12/2012 16:17

So I have removed

  1. Team Gb Wrist band
  2. needles
  3. peach stones

4 lots of decompsoing tat
  1. Socks
  2. Stones
  3. Lamb chop bones

and the entire stationary cupboard from one dog ( that would be 4 large bulldog clips, 74 paperclips and once we got to 100 staples we stopped counting).
I could go on in a festive manner.
In 15 years I have never removed tin foil from a dog's intestines. This one IME seems to pass through just fine on it's own.
In all seriousness watch for vomiting, lethargy or abdominal pain any signs of these down the vets. Otherwise you should be fine.
digerd · 18/12/2012 11:18

It depends on the size of the dog and the thickness/hardness of the foil. Good luck

Jingleallthejay · 18/12/2012 09:15

My sisters boxer shat an entire red, adult size Hello Kitty sock last week

Grin and ewwww

OP posts:
WhenSantaGotStuckUpACunnyFunt · 17/12/2012 22:09

My sisters boxer shat an entire red, adult size Hello Kitty sock last week, my sister panicked when she saw the red, she picked it up and it felt funny so she had a prod (through the bag I will add!) and it turned out to be one of her favourite socks!

Jingleallthejay · 17/12/2012 20:25

I had to don a glove and help it out the other end

Shock and sparkly vomit , he seems fine tbh he eats loo roll and paper but that seems easier to digest ,

OP posts:
tooearlytobeup · 17/12/2012 17:06

I dropped my husbands favourite huge chunky mug yesterday. My spaniel picked up one of the pieces and I had to take it out of his mouth. I then cleaned up the rest and thought nothing else of it.

We went for a lovely long walk today. Halfway through my darling dog did a poo. When I got the bag out to pick it up I panicked as I could see red in it and thought it was blood. Nope, It was a large chunk of the mug! I must have missed a bit when cleaning up and he had eaten it. He was totally fine, but I would have gone to the vet if I had known about it before it emerged at the other end.

aladdinsane · 17/12/2012 16:50

My dog ate a lump of foil that had covered a chicken
I had to don a glove and help it out the other end

WeatherWitch · 17/12/2012 16:45

If you're concerned, call the vet and ask their advice - my vets seem to have a fairly well balanced view of how much of various substances can be safely left to pass through and when they need to be brought in. I've made a lot of those phonecalls as a lifelong labrador owner Xmas Blush. Mine most recently ate the entire sheet of tinfoil I'd used to line the grillpan and that involved the vet, an emetic injection and an evening of watching him produce sparkly silver vomit. Nice.

Purplemonster · 17/12/2012 16:39

It will be fine, you'll just have some festive shiny poo to deal with. If tin foil is the worst thing he's eaten you're doing well Xmas Grin

2cats2many · 17/12/2012 16:37

Wait for it to come out the other end.

My dog ate a whole dishcloth once. Now, that was a strange looking poo.

Jingleallthejay · 17/12/2012 16:35

oh he didnt get cake dd saw to that Grin I just am a bit scared of the shaprness I will be looking through poo tomorrow ,

OP posts:
WTFwasthat · 17/12/2012 16:33

my pup ate a cherry bakewell plus foil. He doesn't seem to have suffered any ill effects but ds wasvpissed off Grin

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