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The doghouse

Do you feel vulnerable when you walk your dog?

33 replies

AwsomeMrsFox · 23/10/2012 20:43

I often walk my dog alone during the daytime and lately I have noticed a couple of strange people around on lonely paths. I try to stick to routes that are relatively well frequented by other walkers, but I don't feel as comfortable any more. I'm just wondering if this is common or if I'm just getting old :-) I actually really enjoy walking on my own and love the dog being able to run free in the countryside, but I find myself getting 'creeped out' sometimes and wonder what I would do if someone did come for me.

OP posts:
LoveDogs · 25/10/2012 19:05

I have a relatively small dog and am quite young, I took her out at about 8 in the morning, on a foggy morning and she got quite spooked because she couldn't see people properly and there were quite a few men whereas normally its women out walking dogs at our local park, she started barking at anyone who came close and started foaming at the mouth. Her being spooked made me freak out a little because I thought she could see something I couldn't and normally shes a bouncy, happy and soppy dog when it comes to other people. But she does tend to bark at anyone who is wearing a hoodie, hat or even scarf.

PseudoBadger · 25/10/2012 18:05

I used to take a Maglight with me for self defence but it's usually too much of a pita to carry and I'd only end up getting clanged with it myself probably :o

PseudoBadger · 25/10/2012 18:03

I was thinking this this morning as I walked my dogs at 5.15 in a dark field. At least it wasn't foggy today....

charlearose · 25/10/2012 17:55

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AwsomeMrsFox · 25/10/2012 17:44

oooh great idea about pretending to be on the phone meeting someone! There are other walks I could do, but they would either involve a car journey or walking along roads which would be such a shame.

AwesomeDog is a wussy spaniel, and definitely does not look like a deterent, plus he would probably be off somewhere not paying any attention.

I actually feel less vulnerable when I am running - probably kidding myself I am so fast no one will be abel to catch me ha ha! I guess I need to get my trainers out more :-)

OP posts:
Takver · 24/10/2012 21:26

No, I don't feel at all vulnerable - the only exception being when I'm out walking at dusk and suddenly realise that I'm wearing all black clothing. Usually I wear a reflective belt if I go out when its dark & I'm going to be walking in the lanes as some are very narrow & I worry about getting run over.

I always feel mortified when ddog barks at random strangers when we're out; usually he's fine but he has a thing about some types of hat. I think he considers them fashion crimes Confused

ManifestingMingeHooHoosAgain · 24/10/2012 09:15

I don't know for sure if my bigger dog would try to protect me,he is soppy. But he did growl when a random knob end came into our back garden (thought he could access my neighbours back yard but he was wrong) but he does love me so I would hope he would. He's a border collie.

Little dog would scare no one!

Have pretended big dog bites when some idiot tried to pick him up last week but that was because he wanted to use him as bait to encourage his own dog to come back Shock

LFCisTarkaDahl · 24/10/2012 08:45

Yes, I do - dog would likely be off sniffing at something and not notice me being attacked Hmm

Worse, I felt really weirded out last week when out for a run at 11am without the dog - there were woods next to me and I could hear men in them but couldn't see them.

OatyBeatie · 24/10/2012 08:27

I don't feel vulnerable at all walking the dog. In fact, I have an odd feeling of fury at the thought of a possible attacker. I feel ready to fight, and sort of glad of the opportunity to assert myself against oppressive behaviour. It is a daft fantasy, I know (in reality I know it isn't at all like that), but given that the chances of attack are small, it isn't perhaps less realistic than a fearful fantasy of becoming a victim, and at least it gives me a sense of strength not vulnerability.

Speaking more practically, I have a terrier who is rather apprehensive of people and would probably snap at an attacker. I really wouldn't want him to think that it was part of his job to protect me, though: I'd prefer it if he trusted me to protect him because that makes him happier (and makes it less likely he would snap at the innocent!)

I do think the sight of a dog is a big deterrent to an attacker, regardless of how the dog behaves and also (take note potential attackers) that a terrier with a Napoleon complex is a fiercer enemy than most big dogs.

ChicMama25 · 24/10/2012 08:00

I want to get a dog.. so I feel less vulnerable out running (among other reasons)

vintageviolets · 24/10/2012 07:53

I walk mine in a rural area, and do see lots of fishermen, joggers, cyclists ect.

If I feel really worried, I say loudly to my huge but placid dog
" No, be a good boy, No stay, No, be nice" and pretend to hold him back, by his harness.

I find strangers give us a wide berth, although when they are out of sight, my dog gives me the Hmm look, for making him look like a killer dog Grin

You could always pretend to be on your phone and say " we are just walking down ........,, see you in a min, ect.

I also think I would strangle an attacker with the lead, or hit them with the metal end, but I would probably freeze.

VivaLeBeaver · 24/10/2012 07:36

Nooka, i'm thinking of coming to Canada for a holiday in the wilds. I was reading some bear advice about playing dead unless you're sure the bear is starting to eat you at which point you should try and fight it! Shock

TantrumsAndBalloons · 24/10/2012 07:35

Tbh I don't feel worried. I know BigDog is as soft as butter and wouldn't hurt anyone but he looks like he could take anyone on so I doubt anyone would approach us. And LittleDog barks and howls at anyone who comes within 5 feet of us at night if he doesn't know them!

Fairylea · 24/10/2012 07:31

This might seem a bit of an odd post ... but just wanted to say I've been followed home and mugged from behind (I'm a woman, it was 6pm and not dark on a busy ish road) and the strangest thing for me was that I didn't hear them behind me AT ALL until they literally grabbed me. I didn't have earphones in or anything either.

In some ways this has made me worry a hit less ironically as I think if something horrid is going to happen you probably wont know about it until it happens !

Also.. always always keep your mobile separately from your bag. They took my bag but luckily I had my phone in my pocket and I was able to ring my dh and the police.

nooka · 24/10/2012 06:45

I've only really got a little afraid that I might meet a bear when it's been a bit too near dusk in the autumn. I suspect my dog would be a bit useless in a tricky situation - more likely to hide behind me if there was aggression I think. He might defend me by a good licking perhaps?

We live in rural Canada now, but I don't recall feeling anxious walking our family dogs in London either.

MrsRhettButler · 24/10/2012 00:15

No, mine would see off anybody who dared come too close.

I have seen unsavoury characters kind of hanging around though so would possibly feel vulnerable if I had a different dog.

midori1999 · 24/10/2012 00:09

Never when I lived in the country, but now we live in a city, which is completely alien to me, I won't walk the dogs when it's dark or through the dells. I feel pretty sad about it really and wish I didn't feel like it.

Ilovemydogandmydoglovesme · 23/10/2012 22:06

I have had another dog go for mine on a couple of occasions and sometimes I take a stick with me in case it appears and has another go.

I'm sure it would work on people too. Certainly as a deterrent anyway. Probably more than my soppy spaniel anyway, who approaches every person and dog wagging his tail.

chipstick10 · 23/10/2012 22:06

Its funny you should ask but i always feel really on edge. Dont get me wrong i like walking my dog, but i cant relex. Think its because my dog is young (nearly a year) and dont feel he knows what protecting is, think he thinks i have to protect him. Also we havent had him that long, and he doesnt bark. I have always been nervous ever since a man pulled a knife on me 20 years ago.
My last dog was very protective but this one just isnt.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 23/10/2012 21:57

WRT your soppy dogs protecting you-

my parents adopted a retired guide-dog years back (they knew the owner and so knew the dog for most of her working life)

When she was still a working dog, someone tried to break into the ladies flat.
This soppy as all get-out lab went ballistic and saw them off (more by noise than anything, she didn't get to them)

So you can rely on your dogs to come up trumps when it needs to be done (but I'm sure there will be some who disprove this) Wink

OldBagWantsNewBag · 23/10/2012 21:29

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topknob · 23/10/2012 21:22

OP if people are making you feel uncomfortable, could you change your route??


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IceBergJam · 23/10/2012 21:20

It does make me feel nervous if I go off the beaten track, and if im out with my husband and very large dog in the fields at night, I am very on edge. I have a vivid imagination that I wish I didnt have.

I have been approached down a deserted street once and it made me nervous..

topknob · 23/10/2012 21:15

Should point out, she isn't always a touchy cow, just when it is me and her.

topknob · 23/10/2012 21:15

No I don't as my dog is a GSD and doesn't take any shit ... she is very particular about who she likes and who she doesn't, if we know the person she will be friendly if not and more so if they are wearing a hoody she will bark at them...I feel very safe with her :)

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