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The doghouse

pls help pee/grass problems !

2 replies

surreyhousefrau · 09/06/2012 18:18

Hi - first time dog owner here, need advice. Puppy (male) is nearly a year, my lawn (which was never lush to begin with) has sooo many burned brown spots on. Last summer I diligently hosed after every pee - just not realistic to continue (and it would now mean a bucket). Trying to train him to go in a different area - no grass, good sized area under trees. He still squats to pee. He just won't go, and is actively holding it in for hours and significantly reducing the amount he eats/drinks (only eating and drinking after walk when he's had a chance to go). He's just holding out for walk time. He's a clever dog, easy to train, I feel sooo sorry for him as I think he's confused having to go out on a lead but I need to crack it !! Suggestions please !!!

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herbertjane · 09/06/2012 20:04

You may find adding a small amount of cheap tomato ketchup into his food will stop the brown stains on the grass.

Can you put some turf rolls where you want him to wee so he gets the idea and then just remove it or make the grass area smaller over time when he is happy with the new location.

Are you saying that now he will not wee as he is on lead? If so I would erect a removable fencing eg the orange barrier plastic fencing, put it around the area you want him to wee in - place dog in area wait for wee and praiseSmile

surreyhousefrau · 09/06/2012 22:37

thanks ! i'd read about the tommy k but wasn't sure if it was good for them. Also read about dog rocks for the water... but was going to try first getting him to go in one area. good idea re turf roll. we have tried a barricade and freshly mowed cuttings, no luck !! its like a battle of the wills !

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