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The doghouse

Rough playfighting, should i stop them or leave them to it

17 replies

doggiemumma · 07/06/2012 08:48

I have recently got a second dog, a small terrier. My first dog is a terrier too. Oh, the madness of it Grin

They spent the first few days avoiding, then they have been playfighting. That sort of wrestling, open jawed fighting, no real contact or snarling. The only thing is it seems to have escalated a little on the new dogs side and he is using my poor old dog as a raggy doll! It still appears to be play and no harsh words have been exchanged - yet.

My view is that i should stop them and i do, but i don't want to be constantly telling new dog off, he is a rescue (six months) although to be fair, he's pretty confident! He is a terrier, what can i say. My DP thinks i should just leave them to it and then if it does escalate to a full on fight one will put the other in its place and a peace will prevail.

They are both on my lap as i type and its peaceful, for now!

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doggiemumma · 07/06/2012 09:53


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AdventuresWithVoles · 07/06/2012 09:54

Leave 'em to it unless they draw blood.
I have similar with my kittens.

peggyblackett · 07/06/2012 09:55

Leave them to it IMO.

doggiemumma · 07/06/2012 10:02

leave them too it and take bets? Grin

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Callisto · 07/06/2012 12:24

I have a terrier and a greyhound and also regularly look after another terrier. All three play, sometimes very wild and out of control games. Occasionally there is a yelp (nip gone wrong I always think) and they all stop because it has Gone Too Far. I never stop them unless they are being very noisy outside and there has never been a proper injury.

With your dogs, part of their play will (probably) be establishing boundaries. And your original terrier will put the newcomer in his place if things get out of hand.

MrsZoidberg · 07/06/2012 13:04

Leave them to it unless you think one is getting hurt.

We have big dogs and the play fighting is noisy and sounds positively evil. But like Callisto, one yelp and the game stops. I only stop it if my ornaments are in danger or I need some peace and quiet.

Don't tell off the new dog, I have a command "enough" which I just shout say sternly and all dogs stop, that way, no-one is to blame.

PersonalClown · 07/06/2012 13:07

Amother vote for leave them to it!

I have a Staffy and a Labradoodle who are constantly like this, with the occasional power nap.
It soon stops when one has crossed the line and a yelp is heard.

teanosugar · 07/06/2012 13:07

My dogs rough play, they play bite each others ankles in an effort to get them on the floor, they try and pull each other round by the collar and generally get boisterous (they are big dogs) and its usually game over when the female (accidentaly/on purpose) bites the others 'boy bits' and he runs off.

DH and I occassionaly rough play/romp on the floor with them, they love it when one of us hides under the duvet and shouts 'find me', they charge in the bedroom, dive on the bed and try and get you from under the duvet!

They also try and get the cats involved but they're having none of it!!

doggiemumma · 07/06/2012 13:15

Ah, thanks everyone - I just wanted to be sure as this is my first time with two dogs. They seem to enjoy each other (if not a little too much sometimes ShockBlush). Have just spent the morning with my mums huge dog and they had a good game chasing around, the little one didn't feel quite so brave as to take him down with the ankle attack though.

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doggiemumma · 07/06/2012 13:16

my mind is boggling at the goings on in teanosugars house though :)

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PersonalClown · 07/06/2012 13:19

Ha Teanosugar. My staffy delights in digging under the duvet to get you out! It's one of his favourite games and I don't use it as warfare to get DP out of bed, oh no!

D0oinMeCleanin · 07/06/2012 13:57

Leave them be. Mine regularly horrify guests with their play. I am often asked if I need to go and intervene to prevent bloodshed. It looks and sounds horrific. They are having a whale of a time. Like others if either dog is actually hurt they soon let the other that it has gone too far and the play stops.

GobblersKnob · 07/06/2012 14:02

No blood, no foul Grin

Leave them to it, until it gets deeply irritating when it is okay to send them to bed for a time out.

doggiemumma · 07/06/2012 14:08

yay - game on :)

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BetterChoicesChair · 07/06/2012 17:34

Yup. Leave them to it. Terrier play sounds and looks more vicious alarming than it really is. Our Springer pup now thinks that she's a terrier too and tries to play like this with other dogs, who are not always enthusiastic Confused. Around these parts we call it the Bitey-Face game. It can go on for ages until they're both completely dishevelled and covered with each other's slobber Grin.

doggiemumma · 07/06/2012 20:25

lol at bitey face game, thats exactly what they do - like a couple of minature,hairy hippos :) I bought terrier #2 one of those stuffing free toys today, that seems to be giving terrier #1 some respite. It is very funny when they fight but i was a bit worried it would lead to aggression in terrier #2 who is only six months old. Gotta love terriers :)

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doggiemumma · 08/06/2012 20:39

Terrier wars seem to have abated a little, since i have stopped intervening they seem to be bored with goading each other. Shame really, i was quite enjoying it

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