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The doghouse

mellydog died yesterday

38 replies

hellymelly · 03/04/2012 22:44

I'm so sad. He was nearly 14 . I just went to fill his water bowl up as I saw it was empty Sad. He was such a lovely lovely dog.

OP posts:
TheGrumpalo · 27/04/2012 09:56

So sorry, that's so sad

Chilenachica · 25/04/2012 02:34

So sorry to hear that

ilovesprouts · 23/04/2012 21:00

i also lost my dog she was pts age 17 legs had gone cried for days shes been dead now for 7 years still miss her lots ,i got a new dog 6m later

BitterAndTwistedChoreDodger · 23/04/2012 20:57

I'm so sorry for your loss. In the last couple of years we have lost two dogs. One died suddenly at the age of 6 and the other was PTS at the age of 14.

It doesn't matter which way they go, it's heartbreaking.

Although with the oldie it was a comfort that he had a long life and was ready to go.

hellymelly · 23/04/2012 17:08

I hope so, at the moment it is just painful to think of him. Both DH and I didn't like the thought of him under the ground, too cold. Silly I know. He was my lovely friend years before I had babies and we used to go for very long walks together, I was very bonded with him and he just was a really lovely natured dog.

OP posts:
kilmuir · 23/04/2012 10:09

It's horrid. You will look back, in time, and smile at what a great time and life you had together

Elibean · 23/04/2012 10:04

Sad so sorry for your loss. RIP lovely boy.

ChippingInLovesEasterEggs · 22/04/2012 23:19

Helly - sorry, I missed your thread when you posted it originally :( He sounds like a lovely little character - it's not surprising you are missing him so much x It is really, really hard when you lose a well loved mate and it takes a long time to stop missing their presence on a daily basis.

hellymelly · 22/04/2012 23:06

thankyou warmandwooly. Missing him such a lot, particularly when we come home if we've been somewhere where we wouldn't have had him with us. I am very grateful to have had him spend his life with us.

OP posts:
warmandwooly · 22/04/2012 20:28

I am so sorry for your loss. You should take comfort in the fact you have given a dog a happy life and they have bought as much happineSs to you as you have to them.

hellymelly · 04/04/2012 22:25

allshiney-the scrapbook is a lovely idea, thankyou.

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TerrierMalpropre · 04/04/2012 21:47

I'm so sorry about your dog Sad. RIP little terrier X.

hellymelly · 04/04/2012 21:39

I thought I'd be ok when the time came, as he's been getting progressively more frail, (my previous dog died quite suddenly at 10 and that was very hard to deal with) but actually even though we knew he might not be around for another Christmas I am devastated that he's gone. He was a funny old chap. You could ask him to do a big woof or a little woof for a treat. The little woof was a sort of a whisper, it was very funny. It is really horrible coming in and him not being here. I'm putting a pic of him on my profile.

OP posts:
RedwingWinter · 04/04/2012 16:42

Very sorry for your loss.

pinkbraces · 04/04/2012 10:39

Im so sorry for your loss x

higgle · 04/04/2012 09:35

So sorry about sad news, he sounds a real sweetie and no matter how ;you try to prepare yourself it is always devastating. I'm another one with an elderly poorly dog (Porridge, Leukemia) P. Is doing OK on his chemotherapy at the moment but we know he won't be with us long term.

AllShiney · 04/04/2012 08:43

:( so sorry for your loss.

Could you let the girls make a mini scrapbook with photos and the things they loved about him?

I did this with 2 girls when I was a nanny and it went down well. They were really proud of their books and we told them if they felt sad to have a look and remember something fun. The books hardly left their sides at first but gradually they started remembering him fondly instead of sadly.

thestringcheesemassacre · 04/04/2012 08:36

So sorry for you. Take time to grieve, it's very hard.
We lost our 8 year old gsd very rapidly a month ago and im still having a daily cry.
Big doggy hugs

ditavonteesed · 04/04/2012 08:29

:( so sorry for your loss xx

midori1999 · 03/04/2012 23:54

I'm so sorry, it's just awful to lose a pet you have loved so much and that has taken up such a huge part of your life.

((hugs)) and I don't care if it's un mumsnetty...

hellymelly · 03/04/2012 23:31

Sarahjess- mine was on a daily painkiller with no tummy problems. Just a little dose helped keep him mobile and comfortable.
My dds were very upset yesterday. I think it was a big shock to them, particularly my older dd ,but they were ok today. Very loving of each other though today, far less bickering, more clingy of each other. Dd was irrationally angry with the vet for putting him to sleep and we've had to go over it a few times.

OP posts:
LostInWales · 03/04/2012 23:21

Part of the village now [happy/sad smile]. Your girls are so fab. They wiggle into such a big part of our hearts don't they, these funny four legged boys, I've just had a big hot tear for him, can't imagine how sad you must feel, lots of love from us all.

JasperJohns · 03/04/2012 23:18

By the hedge in the sun. How lovely.

We couldn't bury our dog in the garden, sadly.

SarahJessicaFarter · 03/04/2012 23:18

How have the kids coped? This is my fear. I'll be a mess.

SarahJessicaFarter · 03/04/2012 23:16

Thank you for replying to me Helly. I am looking at options for F Dog. But so far the vets have offered hydro therapy. His coat is so thick it weighs him down and makes him worse, let alone how cold it makes him. He has no pain killers as the vet thinks it will give him a dodgy tum so I'm pushing for a steriod injection atm. Accupunture might be a big help. Thank you. I do have baby boy GSD. But much as I love him he's not FDog :(

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