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What sort of walking do you do?

26 replies

MrsVandekamp · 01/03/2012 17:39

Just being mosey really but I was wondering what sort of 'walk' you take your dogs on and if I'm doing enough
We have an 18 month old lab and by guidelines I think she should be having an hours walk a day.
She does get this most days and more others, sometimes split into 2 walks or 1 big one where we are pavement walking on a lead.
Other times we go to the local common land and throw balls and sticks etc and she runs about like a nutter!! She's always more pooped after this sort of activity but we may only do this for half an hour but she's charging about constantly
So my question is, is this enough? She is worn out when we get back but on both types tbh but just wondered which sort of walk you do and for how long?

OP posts:
LtEveDallas · 02/03/2012 15:15

10+ human miles God I love that Grin and it is so true!

My 2 yr old Springer/Collie gets 40 mins road on lead in the morning. 40 mins running thru the woods at lunchtime and an hour road and field in the evening. TBH she could probably cope with a bit more, but I'll leave that until the days get a bit lighter.

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