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The doghouse

Can I ever go back to work with a dog?

4 replies

feesh · 30/12/2011 13:57

We live in the Middle East and soon after we arrived, we took on our puppy who is now almost 10 months old. We only ever intended to foster her, as we specifically DIDN'T want to get a puppy at all! But all the animal shelters here were full and nobody else wanted her and despite advertising her widely, we kind of got stuck with her (and now we love and adore her).

She copes well with being left alone (have confirmed this through filming her) after gradually training her throughout her puppyhood. But I never leave her more than 4 hours (unless we go for a night out which overlaps with her bedtime anyway).

I haven't worked out here yet, but I would like to start looking for a job - the trouble is that there are no part time jobs, as working part time is actually illegal, and as a Western woman I am basically going to have to go in at exec level if I do go back to work.

Hours are typically 7am to 2pm and there is no flexi time. My husband has unusual hours for over here (8am to 5pm).

Is there any way it would be OK to leave a dog alone every day for that length of time? If not, I think I am either going to have to give up the idea completely, or try and find some sort of dogsitting type person, which isn't going to be easy (and this worries me because so many expats over here seem to subscribe to the Cesar Milan school of thought when it comes to dogs.....)

I'd appreciate any thoughts about how we could manage this....

OP posts:
feesh · 02/01/2012 08:30

Piggymad, she has garden access anyway so do you think that would be OK? She has her own bedroom (our office) with a dog door leading to her own private garden! (She's not allowed in the main garden as she completely destroys it).

I do have a couple of friends on the compound, but both are busy with one toddler and a baby each, so I would feel bad asking them to come over every day.

rubyrubyruby it would be from about 730am to about 2.30pm-3pm - would that be OK do you think?

yesbutnobut it's not really a typical expat place - there are a couple of dog walkers advertising but none of them have their own transport. She is 10 months old now, but it would take me at least 3 months to find a job I am sure.

OP posts:
yesbutnobut · 01/01/2012 21:45

I would have thought that if you live in a typical ex-pat place (Dubai for instance), there will be dog walkers available. 10 months is still very young to be left for a long time but it depends on the dog of course. Ask at your vet surgery?

rubyrubyruby · 01/01/2012 21:19

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

PiggyMad · 01/01/2012 21:17

Is there a neighbour who could pop in to let her out in the garden for ten minutes? Not ideal, but if your husband gave her a walk before leaving and someone came in about 11ish to break the day up, maybe it would work?

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