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The doghouse

rehoming my young dog

27 replies

justinek0 · 21/12/2011 21:48

i rescued a puppy boxer cross about 8 months ago and for a while everything was fine, i was not workingat the time and so had loads of time while the kids where at school to take him to the park ect. i have now gotten a full time job and so his walks are now only twice a day during wich he cant get off the lead to run. he has started to become aggressive towards my other dogs as well he seems to have hit teenage and thinks he should be top dog. he has never been aggressive towards a person and that includes 4 kids in my house but he has caused more than 1 dog fight in my sitting room, with 4 kids i cant have a full grown german shepheard and a boxer cross fighting in the sitting room. and for this reason i need to rehome the boxer cross.
he is a loving dog and cant get enought attention and cuddles i need him to find a good home where he can be safe and well looked after. he also needs some outdoor space to run about in as he has lots of energy, this is something else i cant offer him as i live in a flat. i really would love to find him a good home asap as i dont ever want to be in the position where one of my kids gets hurt by him.
if anyone can help me please let me know

OP posts:
silentcatastrophe · 27/12/2011 12:48

Dogs can be such hard work. I hope you do manage to make time for the youngest. Training and teamwork could be the way to go. Training can help enormously for building trust and teamwork, and does not necessarily mean lots of racing about. Although it can seem lovely to see dogs running around off lead a lot, there are lots of dogs who don't race about for themselves. Most working dogs, or any dog with a high level of training, for example. I hope you can muster lots of help and support in real life so the dog becomes a joy and less of a burden.

NuggetsForTeaAgain · 26/12/2011 22:46

lovely encouraging post RedwingWinter Smile

RedwingWinter · 26/12/2011 19:03

Justine, well done for being able to go back to work. That's great, and I hope you can find a way to make this work, or if it comes to it a no-kill rescue for him. You are absolutely right that you can't return him to the person from whence he came!

My cat came from a similar situation - someone just left him in their flat. I don't know how people can do this to animals.

Training and teaching tricks can be more tiring than going for a walk because it is hard, so that might help. Is there anything else that would help you to make it work? (If it comes to it though, I'm sure scuttle can help with finding a rescue because she is very good like that).

I can see that you are trying to do the right thing by the dog. Good luck with it.

Wolfiefan · 25/12/2011 19:55

Do you still have him? Have any of the rescue places got back to you? Good on you for taking him on and :( it doesn't seem to have worked out. Let's hope for a happy ending for all.

justinek0 · 25/12/2011 19:50

i did not resuce him from a shelter i got him from an owner who treated him like rubbish, he was abandoned on his own for almost 2 weeks when they left their flat but did not think to take him, the last thing i would do is give him back to her. i will just answer some of the comments on here. i took on the boxer because it was that or let him die on his own in a rubbish flat where they dumped him. the older dogs are both well settled and my oldest is now nearing 13. when i took on the puppy i expected hard work and i am still willing to put that in to him. i did not expect to go back to a full time job as i have major spinal problems and have been told i should not go to work, however i am now on a regeme on pain meds and have found a job where i can sit down adn work (not something i have ever done before).
i did think about what i was doing when i took him on and have decided to persevere with him, but i feel the need to say that i am surprised at the attitudes of some of the posts i have recieved, i was tryingto do the right thing by him and am shocked none of you can see that

OP posts:
RedwingWinter · 22/12/2011 18:21

I hope you just posted this when you were feeling down, and don't really mean it. The aggression doesn't sound serious from what you said, and you could work on it and sort it out if you want to go that route. Is the start of the aggression linked to not being walked as much as usual? If so you might be able to find a dog walker to take him out during the day - it shouldn't be expensive and might make a big difference. The other thing is that doing some training with him each day - teaching him tricks, for example - is a good way to tire him out as it is mentally stimulating for him.

It is quite possible to have two large breed dogs in a flat so long as they get enough exercise.

I agree with others that your first port of call should be the rescue that you got him from, as hopefully they will be willing to take him back. This is a really busy time at rescues so if you can't find anywhere right now, the other option is to hold on to him for a bit longer and try again to rehome him at a less busy time of year. He sounds like a really sweet dog and it's great that he is good with the kids.

canistartagainplease · 22/12/2011 15:43

I second, giving the rescue home you got him from ,a call. If they are half decent, they will arrange with you to take your dog back. Im sure you adopted in good faith, and there is more of a back story and now circumstances are different. Good luck.

coccyx · 22/12/2011 15:15

Shakes her head.
Poor dog

OneHandWrapping · 22/12/2011 14:39

Could you not foresee that you would be looking for full time work in less than 8 months?

Didn't you think he might have trouble socialising with your existing dogs?

Did you think it was all going to be perfect as if by magic?

He would have been better off if you'd never "rescued" him. He might have found a proper home.

SpaghettiTwirlerPrancerVixen · 22/12/2011 14:35

Oh yes so it does. Xmas Blush

D0oinMeCleanin · 22/12/2011 14:31

This is a very bad time of year for rescues. You are highly unlikely to find anywhere with space and will have to keep hold of the dog until after the festive season.

A few things though, what happens with your other dogs while you're at work? I would hope you're getting a dog walker to break up their day? Why can't the dog walker let the boxer off leash during this time, presuming he is trained to recall?

Have you considered getting in a behaviouralist?

Finally I very much doubt it is a full on dog fight. We have three dogs and there are often scuffles over who gets to sit on the sofa or who gets to greet me first. There is never any blood and while it's not nice to watch or listen to it's part and parcel of having more than one dog. It does settle down once each dog learns what the others expect. I doubt your children will be in much danger other than being knocked over and bumping their bums while this is going on.

ditavonteesed · 22/12/2011 14:19

wish people would spend more time thinking about the long term effects of their rash decisions. npthing useful to add.

MrsZoidberg · 22/12/2011 11:55

Are you sure it is aggressive fighting and not just the older dog trying to put the teenager in his place? I had 3 large dogs when I got a fourth who had had no socialisation, and thought he could be boss. My older boy taught him some manners. It wasn't nice to watch, but so long as there was no blood and it stopped when one yelped in pain, I let it ride. It only took about a week.

Keep the dogs in the kitchen, or remove the kids from the room, until the boxer has learnt some manners.

Feenie · 22/12/2011 11:14

OP says he's aggressive towards her other dogs - plural. That makes at least 3 dogs and 4 kids in a flat with no garden. Shock

MollyTheMole · 22/12/2011 10:13

the place that you rescued him from should take him back.

SpaghettiTwirlerPrancerVixen · 22/12/2011 09:44

I don't see where it says 4 dogs loopy?

But why the hell would you have 2 large breed dogs in a flat? Confused

Don't try and rehome him yourself, you don't know where he could end up. You mentioned you rescued him, what about the place you rescued him from?

LoopyLoopsWoopDeWoops · 21/12/2011 22:42

This isn't the right time for it I know, but why on earth would you have four dogs and four children in a flat with no outside space? Please don't get any more.

justinek0 · 21/12/2011 22:18

yes to both i had him neurtered in the hope it would stop the behaviour but no joy

OP posts:
Kormachameleon · 21/12/2011 22:17

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justinek0 · 21/12/2011 22:10

no its the first time i have been on here.
i have tried most of the rescue places in my area but they are all full with waiting lists

OP posts:
LoopyLoopsWoopDeWoops · 21/12/2011 22:08

Are you someone else namechanged by any chance?

LoopyLoopsWoopDeWoops · 21/12/2011 22:07

Then find one that doesn't put them down.


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justinek0 · 21/12/2011 22:03

the boxer rescue wont touch him because he is a cross breed i have tried them i dont want to send him to a rescue where they might put him down

OP posts:
Kormachameleon · 21/12/2011 21:58

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LoopyLoopsWoopDeWoops · 21/12/2011 21:54
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