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The doghouse

So proud of my wonderful dog.

7 replies

Ormirian · 08/08/2011 10:16

We had some visitors yesterday for lunch. About 3pm they got a call - could they look after their little granddaughter for a few hours. Child got dropped off at out house. Turned out she was very nervous of dogs. So we kept Harley out of the room but then DS2 wanted to take her outside to show her the fish pond. My friend went with her and introduced her very gently to Harley. No problems. Harley was his usual placid calm self but she still didn't really want to touch him. Later on she was playing with DS2 and the Harlster walked in and quietly approached her and touched her with his nose. She let him move in next to her where she was standing at the table and put her arm around him while she stood there. He just stood there silently and wagged his tail.

He is such a beautiful, gentle-natured dog. I can't beleive we got so lucky.

He also eats fruit. Which is a bit odd.

OP posts:
Cheria · 11/08/2011 15:52

He sounds lovely, you are lucky - but good dogs have good owners too so you can be proud of yourself as well as your dog.

Mine likes bananas and watermelon.

CoffeeIsMyFriend · 11/08/2011 07:25

that is lovely. and I also have dogs who love fruit. Loofa is a banana monster and Lolly steals the berries from the garden, so far this year we have had 1 strawberry and not a lot of raspberries! She has scoffed the lot, wont do her any harm and she is very gentle taking them off the canes.

Always nice to hear a positive dog story. Grin

spiderlight · 10/08/2011 22:31

He sounds lovely! :)

5inthebed · 08/08/2011 12:00
Ormirian · 08/08/2011 11:37

He's a Staffliedor Grin

Collie x lab x staffie.

OP posts:
5inthebed · 08/08/2011 11:36

Harley sounds lovely, what breed is he?

My MIL used to have a corgi who ate whoe oranges, peel and everything.

alowVeraWithPurpleTwuntyPants · 08/08/2011 11:03

Harley sounds lovely. And just the right sort of dog to help this little girl overcome her nervousness. :)

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