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The Sarah Jane Adventures - quite good aren't they!

41 replies

foxinsocks · 16/10/2009 19:30

I recorded them so that I could watch them with dd (writing that it sounds sad lol but I'm at work all day and I like a good cuddle on the couch with dd!)

Just watched this last 2 parter - thought the Judoon were fabulous!

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Idontknowhowtohelpher · 24/10/2009 18:34

Oh yes, I'll be recording it - just for dd2, you understand

foxinsocks · 24/10/2009 17:05

oh no, can you record it?

dd told me she had a confession to make (and I was thinking OMG what has she done!) and she said 'mummy I watched SJ adventures without you because I was so excited about them!' (as normally she waits till I'm back from work and we watch together!

I suspect she'll be doing the same next week . Looks like he features quite a bit (from that preview).

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Idontknowhowtohelpher · 24/10/2009 14:49

Yes, dd2 came running to get me to see the trailer for next week's Sarah Jane - "look, look, its The Doctor" (She speaks about him in capitals . I am going to have to break it to her gently that we are out on Thursday - that was bad planning .

foxinsocks · 23/10/2009 21:05

I mean the doctor on SJ

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foxinsocks · 23/10/2009 20:52

So the doctor next week then? (looks like it from the preview!)

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sphil · 18/10/2009 23:03

I've been hugging DS1 and then pretending to flick out a long forked tongue at every opportunity today. Gets him EVERY time

foxinsocks · 18/10/2009 20:40

oh edam, you know the worst thing is that I can barely remember. It was History and Biology. Biology because I took the piss out of the teacher's accent and History because I refused to do any work . Poor teachers!

I love the Judoon!

OP posts:
UnquietDad · 18/10/2009 12:47

Arf. I bet the Judoon have some sort of deathray immobilisation device. Like a galactic space clamp. Or a Tazer.

nymphadora · 18/10/2009 12:45

By the time they had got all that out daleks would have beaten them with ' exterminate'

UnquietDad · 18/10/2009 12:41

Imagine the Judoon coming up against the Daleks. "Extermination of other life forms against Galactic Law Code 7, Subsection 4. You nicked. Penalty: death."

nymphadora · 18/10/2009 12:38

Oh and requisitioning the police car with a reciept

UnquietDad · 18/10/2009 10:56

And I say moisturiser and good diet, while DW says Botox.

edam · 18/10/2009 10:53

Ah, thanks for that.

Love MI High too - headmaster is an old friend of ours from the days of fringe theatre but lost touch with him about a decade ago. Nice to see one of the actors we knew in something other than an advert!

UnquietDad · 18/10/2009 10:49

They're not constantly hugging in MI High or Tracy Beaker or Raven or My Parents Are Aliens, though, are they?

Lis Sladen appeared in the DW 1983 one-off special and also did some audio adventures as SJS. She had time off to raise a family (her daughter, Sadie Miller, is now an actress too) and did some other acting work, but nothing as high-profile as SJS.

edam · 18/10/2009 10:46

Aw, that's a bit grumpy UQD, it is for kids after all!

Also nice to see Elizabeth Sladen with a programme of her own - what on earth did she do all those years between 70s Dr Who and SJA?

UnquietDad · 18/10/2009 10:43

Although I could do without all the HUGGING in SJA. We get it, you lurve each other. No need to hug every time you save the fucking world.

I can't say this on Facebook cos the script editor is one of my FBFs

edam · 18/10/2009 10:40

Ds loves SJ. Plenty of running down corridors which I enjoy as a Dr Who trademark.

Fox, got to ask, what on earth did you to get expelled from history?

UnquietDad · 18/10/2009 10:35

"Have nice day" was my favourite bit.

nymphadora · 18/10/2009 09:38

Loved the judoon and sticking to the rules , pay and display springs to mind

UnquietDad · 17/10/2009 13:40

Bo sho go ro mo fo so lo.

nymphadora · 17/10/2009 10:51


UnquietDad · 17/10/2009 10:00

It's just been the two Judoon episodes so far. They are repeated in omnibus form today on CBBC, and I think tomorrow as well.


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foxinsocks · 17/10/2009 09:54

Thursday and Friday at 4.35 I think

these are the first new ones on BBC1 I believe

think there were others on CBBC but not sure if they were old ones or not

OP posts:
nymphadora · 17/10/2009 09:47

Have just got the 2 Judoon ones on iplayer , is that all we have missed?

When are they on?

foxinsocks · 17/10/2009 09:11

I think you can watch them on cbbc iplayer nymph

oh UD, I will check the old Dr Who episode for that. I must have missed that one!

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