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Crawla Romano presenting on GMTV......... change of channel i think!

25 replies

lottiejenkins · 24/06/2009 08:23

I cant believe they have picked Crawla to cover for Kates maternity leave! She kept interupting Annabel Croft this morning and what AC had to say was really interesting too!

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lottiejenkins · 26/06/2009 08:39
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salvadory · 26/06/2009 08:30

ha at distressful, just had to rewind to check she's actually said something that stupid! and waking up dead, damn you lottie jenkins for having such fast typing fingers!!!

lottiejenkins · 26/06/2009 08:25

Distressful? thats a new word Crawla, and that lawyer just said " I had said to Michael that if he woke up one day dead!" Yeah right!

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expatinscotland · 26/06/2009 08:10

"I live in LA"

Yeah, as if that's a good sort of thing.

I had to live there once for two months and I was counting down the days till I could get out.

She's as bad as that preachy, condescending Fern Britton, can't wait to see the back of her moany, preachy arse.

lottiejenkins · 26/06/2009 08:09

Yes Wilts....... but do they want to know her?? miaooooooooooow!!

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Wilts · 26/06/2009 08:07

Lottie- haha how many times has she actually managed to mention that now

I think she knows everybody in LA

lottiejenkins · 26/06/2009 08:06

Me too.............. I wish they would give Emma Crosbie the job for all five days! Much better idea!!!

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herbietea · 26/06/2009 08:00

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lottiejenkins · 26/06/2009 07:57

She is now interviewing people re MJ dieing i think in half an hour i have heard her say "I live in LA" yeah and???

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coolma · 24/06/2009 09:41

ooh I'm looking forward to that - I work in the 'front line' with homeless people so will probably end up getiing extremely angry...

bubblerock · 24/06/2009 09:15

I have to switch over everytime Mr Motivator comes on GMTV - I couldn't stand him the first time round! May have stick to the Beeb now!

Wilts · 24/06/2009 08:57

Grrr I give up

Wilts · 24/06/2009 08:56

never understood

Wilts · 24/06/2009 08:56

I have neve understood the need for her.

Those links they do to her in America, in which she gives us bits of showbiz 'gossip' that have been available on Perez Hilton for about three weeks before she witters on about it

lottiejenkins · 24/06/2009 08:52

I am assuming she is covering the maternity leave, she was reviewing the tv programmes last week which made carcrash interesting viewing seeing as she hasnt lived in the UK for years!

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fishie · 24/06/2009 08:45

it was meant to be 3 progs and is now 2 so i expect a lot of things won't be in it.

Wilts · 24/06/2009 08:44

Nooooo I didn't realise she was covering Kate's maternity leave, I though it must just be a one off.

She gets right on my wick, talking over everyone and just generally being herself

giraffescantdancethetango · 24/06/2009 08:44

she cant be as bad as Fiona Phillips

lottiejenkins · 24/06/2009 08:43

She was talking about John Bird really screamed at her for trying to help one of the homeless men, she was trying to help him find his family. She said he was vile, but also that that bit wont be shown!

OP posts:
fishie · 24/06/2009 08:39

oh dear i am slightly dreading that programme - i was a bit involved in the making of it.

BitOfFun · 24/06/2009 08:37

Is that really her name?

lottiejenkins · 24/06/2009 08:36

It was about the rough sleeping yes.............

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lottiejenkins · 24/06/2009 08:36

I dont think annabel liked it she wanted to carry on talking and crawla kept interrupting!

OP posts:
fishie · 24/06/2009 08:27

oh god what did annabel say? was it about the rough sleeping?

Squidward · 24/06/2009 08:26

God she is a clown isnt she.
The giggly schtick gets right up your nose

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