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BB Sylvia coming on to the new boy...

8 replies

twosofar · 21/06/2008 22:01

is anyone else mortified on her behalf?

OP posts:
posieflump · 24/06/2008 13:12

and she basically dumped her boyfriend of 4 years on TV... what a bitch!

wuzzlefraggle · 24/06/2008 13:11

she is loony, totally loony.

He couldn't act less interested in her if he tried and she seriously needs to take the hint as she is making herself look stupid.

getmeouttahere · 22/06/2008 17:13

He is SOOOO not into her.

She is a deluded loon.

twosofar · 21/06/2008 22:08

She's a feisty one (codespeak for nasty piece of work) so i think sparks will fly if he likes someone else. Will be watching this with interest!

OP posts:
TillyScoutsmum · 21/06/2008 22:05

She is well weird... I was a bit when she started telling the others that Mo had come on to her and suggested they were a couple of get money. Surely BB would have shown that conversation ??

Loon - complete loon. Reminds me a bit of Makosi - she'll be pg next

PortBlacksandResident · 21/06/2008 22:03

Has she really only met him once during auditions? She must have fancied the pants of him then??

Talk about staking your claim!!!

justjules · 21/06/2008 22:03

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Lucycat · 21/06/2008 22:02

oh god yes - he's clearly trying to be nice and not offend her.....


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