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Who's been watching Mistresses????

44 replies

VVVQV · 29/01/2008 22:01

And does it bear any resemblance to RL at all???????

OP posts:
DiamandaGalas · 29/01/2008 23:14

i loved the bride's outfit and hairdo in last weeks episode!

VVVQV · 30/01/2008 13:44

You mean Orla Brady? She is gorgeous.

I love it too. But, I was just pondering the realisticness of some of the characters and wondered if anyone actually knew people like that in RL (that they could come and gossip about ).

The woman whose husbands lover has come out of the woodwork is annoying. But so is Sarah Parish's character a little.

OP posts:
NomDePlume · 30/01/2008 13:49

I do have to LOL @ Sarah Parrish's character's house. HOW many windows ? Still I guess she needs all that glass as she never has any bloomin lights on. Oh, and plaster walls aren't quite so effective for all the mournful soulsearching gazes

leoleo · 30/01/2008 14:00

I was wondering does anyone sleep with that many people like the girl in events.. She meets someone for meeting at work in office and takes him straight home...

I felt sorry for pg woman untill she decided to pass baby off as hubbies...

I can't watch with dp he gets annoyed at infidelities on tv so sky + and watch in peace alone.

really enjoying it so far

iwouldgoouttonight · 30/01/2008 14:08

I missed the first three episodes (bit rubbish of me considering there are only six altogether!) - got really into it last night though - but a bit confused about Sarah Parish and her lover? What happened to his dad?

NomDePlume · 30/01/2008 14:10

he died of cancer. he was Sarah P's patient and she was shagging him on the side. She also 'helped' him to die

iwouldgoouttonight · 30/01/2008 14:11

Ah, I see. Now it makes sense! Thank you.

noddyholder · 30/01/2008 14:17

I like it because it isn't like real life Reality tv is depressing I like a bit of glitz and sex with my cocoa

Swedes · 30/01/2008 21:16

Policywonk - "I do wish DP didn't insist on watching it with me... makes me feel embarrassed about my shitey taste in shite telly." He's only watching it for the lesbian and threesome bits. Does he watch "Gender Stereotypes in Modern Britain - Social Conditioning or Misogyny Laced Ready-Meals?" so eagerly?

Sunshinemummy · 30/01/2008 21:27

I'm really enjoying it but it is so unrealistic. Who in events earns so much money they can afford a huge warehouse on the Thames, by themselves? Her hair is lovely though Bundle. I love that little flickey bit.

I was watching last night and thinking it's going to end badly for all of them but the blonde.

beansprout · 01/02/2008 11:47

The utter lack of research is really annoying. So, she is 7 days late and suddenly there is a foetus that can be seen from an abdominal scan...
A bit like when she was walking round the bedroom, taking her temperature last thing at night... er, why?!!

calzone · 06/02/2008 12:23


Bit of a twist in last night's story!

Was NOT expecting Husband to turn up!!

I heart this programme!!

noddyholder · 06/02/2008 12:24

loved it last night

NatalieJane · 06/02/2008 12:37

Did anyone one see them all on Jonathon Ross? Sarah Parish and the blonde very slappable one are pregnant in RL.

Last one next week Do we think it is worthy of another series? How could they carry it on?

calzone · 06/02/2008 12:39

It has to get another series!

There is so much which could be done with it I think.

At least I hope so!

twelveyeargap · 06/02/2008 12:56

I like it. Have Sky-plussed it and been watching alone, mainly. DH was here last night and rained on my parade by laughing at the husband - dead/ not dead/ 9-11 story.

Agree that it's the perfect antidote to reality TV.

And I've finally worked out today how to do my hair like Siobhan's. Yay.

noddyholder · 06/02/2008 14:01

I think it will carry on.Sarah parish could go to prison.

notalone · 06/02/2008 15:12

Was kind of expecting the husband to turn up. Should be a really good watch next week.

The look on poor Harry's face when she told him.

pleasemum · 06/02/2008 17:06

missed last nights episode.....can't believe the 'dead' hubby turned up....what do you think will happen next week????

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