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Jamestown on Sky 1 - anyone elses watching it?

75 replies

ladymarian · 24/02/2018 13:30

I'm really enjoying it! Some of it is laughable but I really like it! Anyone else?

OP posts:
OutComeTheWolves · 10/03/2018 10:24

Your right Mrs Jayy. I think Jamestown is the only thing I'm watching in 'real time'at the moment as opposed to binge watching shows which have already completed. I'm not used to the suspense of having to wait a week to find out what's happening!

blueskypink · 10/03/2018 11:39

Brie - I wondered about that but they were all looking directly at the eclipse weren't they?

DrCoconut · 10/03/2018 13:02

I'm up to date now Grin

QueenOfIce · 12/03/2018 15:34

I'm enjoying it but I can't understand why when they live near a river they don't go and wash themselves, I keep thinking how much they must stink, no sex please 😷

MrsJayy · 12/03/2018 15:43

I think they will wash themselves Merediths hair looked clean on friday although I imagine he stinks of Ale

Loonoon · 13/03/2018 10:43

Patsy Ferran who plays Mercy is one of my favourite actresses. She is so good and so versatile that I didn't even realise it was her acting Mercy until the second series!

I am a bit behind this series as I am saving the last two episodes for a binge watch on Friday when I will be home alone. . Very excited.

I agree they all look much too clean! And did they really show so much cleavage?

Ladytron11 · 13/03/2018 13:45

What happened to the secretary's new friend - the alchemist?
Did I miss something? Not in this week's epi?? Confused

A cleaned up Meredith gets my vote..

MrsJayy · 13/03/2018 17:14

I think the Alchemist was sent back to Bermuda.

TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 15/03/2018 07:20

I have only just watched the first series on dvd as I don’t have Sky. Binge-watched it over 3 nights when DH was away...

Love James Read! But the actor playing him played Marcheaux in The Musketeers who was an out and out villain, so it’s bit of a head-fuck...

DrCoconut · 15/03/2018 18:42

The exposed hair on women grates a bit. It would have been unacceptable to be seen in public with your hair loose, especially if married. The same with the stays/bodice thingies. That's underwear and indecent for public places. Unless standards were significantly relaxed in the colonies. But Jamestown is still my guilty pleasure Smile

MrsJayy · 15/03/2018 19:59

The govenors wife has her head covered and is buttoned up properly the working women seem to be excluded of head wear and proper clothing they were probably too poor.

OutComeTheWolves · 17/03/2018 06:14

Every week I expect Henry Sharrow to do something good to try to redeem himself. Disappointed again!

MrsJayy · 17/03/2018 08:48

Nah he is a badun. Right a few questions why did lady Yardley say all that to Maria and why did she try and smother pedro ? Who organised Jocelyns sunday shaming ?

OutComeTheWolves · 17/03/2018 09:14

Nah despite being a snidely evil rapist, I still think he's going to do something good. They seem to be presenting yardley's lot as the real villains and showing little snippets of good with Henry like the time he saved mercy.
I've no idea why she said it but I think she tried to smother Pedro so nobody would find out she'd done it.
I think yardley and the doctor are working together to shame Jocelyn into marrying- I might be wrong though!

TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 17/03/2018 11:46

I haven’t watched any of the second series so am waaaaaay behind. However, at the end of series 1, Henry did seem to indicate some remorse for the rape, when Alice confronted him on the river bank and he didn’t fight her. Not that that makes up for anything, but I wonder if the producers seem to feel that there’s been some redemption already? Is his crime brought up in series 2 by anyone?

OutComeTheWolves · 17/03/2018 19:40

I'm not sure. There was a scene where they discussed it last night but it just seemed to be querying why Alice wasn't over it yet. He seems to be being kind to his new wife too.

Simulcrum · 18/03/2018 04:19

Favourites : James, Pedro, Sir George, Verity.
Not so much: Messenger, Henry, Meredith, Jocelyn.

NamedyChangedy · 19/03/2018 17:19

I can't get over how badly everyone must have smelled - their teeth would have been particularly appalling, imagine kissing someone with 17th century knowledge of dental hygiene! And isn't it amazing how Pedro made a full recovery from his stabbing with no medical treatment whatsoever, apart from being smothered by a very clean looking pillow.

It's good to see that poor Alice hasn't simply forgotten about being raped and then having to live with the man who did it.

Also I did want to see a change in Meredith but I'm not sure this is it, I sense there'll be more religious fanaticism to come next week...

OutComeTheWolves · 20/03/2018 06:33

You make a good point namedy that's not very cool of silas to expect Alice to live in the same home as her rapist.

TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 20/03/2018 07:01

Well, I was thinking (only having watched series 1) that Silas’s attitude really seemed to be: Well, yes, he raped you and I get that that upset you but he’s my brother and he comes before you so could you just get over it now.

blueskypink · 20/03/2018 07:35

But you can't really judge them by today's standards. We're talking about a society where slavery is acceptable after all!

NamedyChangedy · 21/03/2018 21:41

Ah that's true bluesky - I'm thinking more about if I was transported back in time, a la Outlander if anyone's seen that. Our delicate modern sensibilities would be appalled by pretty much everything back then!


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OutComeTheWolves · 24/03/2018 10:23

Hmm not sure what I thought about last night. It was all a bit meh.

blueskypink · 24/03/2018 10:58

I agree! Admittedly it didn't have my full attention so I may have missed bits, but I didn't underhand why the man with the pearl earring and the snooty expression didn't warn widow thingy what was going to happen - hadn't he gone into a business partnership with her?

OutComeTheWolves · 24/03/2018 10:59

Yeah I thought he would to then the governor would learn not to mess with Jocelyn.

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