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GBBO 2016 Post mortem

269 replies

fourquenelles · 26/10/2016 20:55

Here we are to rant and rave

OP posts:
Bubbinsmakesthree · 29/10/2016 08:10

I'd been itching to see Jane with a hair make-over all series - she looked fab! Lovely lady.

bookbook · 28/10/2016 21:38

Both Jane and Candice seemed to have red hair on extra slice , they both looked a lot less stressed - :)

CrotchetQuaverMinim · 28/10/2016 21:04

they all look lovely on An Extra Slice! Made up, yes, but whoever does it does a lovely job. Jane's hair is a lovely colour too. Of course not being in a hot tent, madly baking, on a summer's day, makes it easier too. I'm glad they had all the finalists on, and they all got their special cakes, too.

HalloToJasonIsaacs · 28/10/2016 19:22

Selasi is going to travel round Europe on a motorcycle next year eating and baking cakes. Place your bets now for which TV company's cameras will be following him.

987flowers · 28/10/2016 18:24

Cake looked lovely but it didn't look like he's had much direction on how to cook in front of the camera! Good job that Ryland could fill the silence

Roussette · 28/10/2016 16:13

Selasi on This morning... oh yes! Grin

He's so laidback he's nearly horizontal, I bet he's a great guy to know!

(Loved his black forest cake too, it looked delicious!)

Fizzingwhizbees · 28/10/2016 16:06

I was slightly astonished by the level of vitriol directed at Candice over the series, seemingly for wearing lipstick and wanting to do well. She was the only possible winner based on the last showstopper really. I'm going to miss it so much, it fills me with such a warm glow Smile

Did anyone see Selasi on TV this morning? He did well.

iklboo · 28/10/2016 14:33

Candice Friel?

GBBO 2016 Post mortem
GBBO 2016 Post mortem
bookbook · 28/10/2016 11:49

I too wish there had been a true 'wow' cake for the end. I I agree Rousette It was all too bitty, and unfair -good cakes take time to look amazing.
(I know - my youngest daughter makes the most fabulous celebration cakes, and she is here with me this morning. Her kitchen isn't large enough, so she is using mine to make my DGS's birthday party cake. She had to bake the cakes yesterday, so they would be cold and strong to construct and decorate. So far, she has been decorating since 9.15 this morning.... and there is a way to go! )

Labtest7 · 28/10/2016 11:09

Really. I couldn't see past the similarities. I'm talking post surgery Friel not Brookside 😀

EssentialHummus · 28/10/2016 11:04

did anyone else think Candice looked like Anna Friel?

No Grin

squoosh · 28/10/2016 11:04

Yes she did look a bit like Anna Friel. Anna Friel pre fillers etc.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 28/10/2016 11:03

Not in a million yearsGrin

Labtest7 · 28/10/2016 11:02

Nothing to add about the baking, but did anyone else think Candice looked like Anna Friel?

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 28/10/2016 10:50

The well was amazing!!

squoosh · 28/10/2016 10:34

Loved last night's programme. They were on a different level weren't they? There was nothing this year to rival the lion bread face or Ian's white chocolate well contraption! Grin

BalloonSlayer · 28/10/2016 09:47

Aw! The party! Isn't it nice that they are all friends!

Roussette · 28/10/2016 07:23

A friend of mine missed Selasi by 15 minutes in a pub she was in! useless fact of no interest to anyone

Yes Nadiya does look beautifully different to her GBBO times. I think she's just grown in confidence

I just prefer a proper showstopper final episode final challenge... a wedding cake or summat. It's just that all the elements of cake, saus rolls tarts quiches means that one small thing like soggy pastry has you out but if it's one main thing, it's more of a measured overall decision and just seems more fair. After all, Jane or Andrew's other elements could have been superb but just soggy pastry and they'e off.

JustDanceAddict · 28/10/2016 07:19

No way was this years as good, I think watching the 2015 highlights last night brought it home. I got ready again over Nadiya winning & did I give a stuff over Candice? No!

Ncbecauseitshard · 28/10/2016 06:56

Weird that again in the final the show stopppers were the first round bakes.

Ian came over so much better on the catch up program, they rarely let his personality show last year.

Helpisathand13 · 28/10/2016 03:26

Totally agree! The queens birthday and picnic suggestion seemed a little odd.

OlennasWimple · 28/10/2016 03:20

I want to go to a Selasi party!

Candice was the obvious winner - you can't have soggy bottoms on your sausage rolls and still win GBBO! (Though the choice of theme was odd, given that they knew it was going to air at the end of Oct, when the birthday celebrations were a bit of a distant memory)


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DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 27/10/2016 23:46

I keep meaning to try and do the marsh mallow icing she does, must have a go.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 27/10/2016 23:31

It doesn't, except it's normal to comment when someone looks so different. She talks about it herself.

BertrandRussell · 27/10/2016 23:26

I use James Morton's books regularly- they are brilliant.

Not sure what Nadiya's weight loss has to do with anything.......

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