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Celeb BB Thread 2 - Don't know who they are, don't like them anyway. Except Janice.

966 replies

AnneEyhtMeyer · 30/08/2015 21:08

Here we go IFPWBs - more space to chat and moan!

Lurkers welcome - go on, post! You know you want to!

OP posts:
ShellyF · 30/08/2015 22:41


SinisterBumFacedCat · 30/08/2015 23:02

Austin is a hybrid of Justin Timberlake and Kenny Everett

augustusglupe · 30/08/2015 23:20

Love Janice!!...When she said.. ' I like Gail, my mother had cancer'..... Yes Jan, but Gail doesn't!! Is someone going to tell her? Couldn't help but laugh! So she thinks she's ill but she's still got Gail unpacking her case and making her bed!! Confused Grin

thornrose · 30/08/2015 23:28

Great point augustus!

Is it a coincidence that the Teen mum shows starring Farrah are being shown again now?

SinisterBumFacedCat · 30/08/2015 23:48

I know I'm going against the grain but I really don't like Janice, it would be like walking on egg shells in their of you weren't quite honest-tell it to my face (rude enough) to her

patienceisvirtuous · 31/08/2015 05:58

Marking place (haven't watched last night's yet)

AnneEyhtMeyer · 31/08/2015 09:49

Sinister - I wouldn't want to live with her but she is amazing to watch!

OP posts:
TheBubGrower · 31/08/2015 10:55

Oh god I'm watching Farrah's story on 16 and pregnant. Her mum is awful - totally controlling and cold and just downright mean, not very supportive at all. Farrah actually seemed fairly sweet as a teenager, I can only assume her mother has messed her up Sad

AesopsMables · 31/08/2015 12:16

So, in spite of proclaiming I was not going to bother this year with CBB I just cannot resist it! Especially as Janice is in it, that woman fascinates me. I read a couple of her books and she has had a really colourful past Shock

Opinion so far:

Steve and Chloe = FAKE FAKE FAKE
Farrah = total biatch
Natasha = not sure yet
Scoop = boring me slightly with his droning on
Baldwin = he will just coast through it if he can
James = not as savvy as I thought he would be
Austin = Trying to shock and grab the ratings
Gail = doormat (very insecure)
Sherry = slowly growing on me (I think)
Bobby = will start trying to play Daddy and piss Scoop off?
Janice = will be worth every penny of her fee
Porn Star = still trying to work out what's fake about her (physically and character wise)

Early days yet, interesting to see how the above changes as it always does throughout the series Wink

EachandEveryone · 31/08/2015 12:18

I'm just watching last nights. I'm beginning to feel that they are being more prompted to say things this year. Like the Bill Cosby thing how did that randomly come up? And the first night Natasha going out to rule Farrah. It just feels more staged or I could be imagining it.

Tiggeryoubastard · 31/08/2015 12:20

Has Chris been seen yet?

AesopsMables · 31/08/2015 12:20

forgot about Chris = his face expressions are funny

RedCrayons · 31/08/2015 13:12

PWBs, still can't get on the mobile site, but I'm lurking along with you.

Dont Like: Farah

Meh: Chloe and the bloke (don't watch XFactor so don't know anything about them), Baldwin,

Like: Scoop, Janice, Natasha, Austin especially when he goes all Yorkshire, Sherrie (especially when she thought Austin takes his gun to the shops in Huddersfield, Bobby. And Jenna - I dont want to like her but I do a bit.

James is alright, bit dim.

Forgotten they are there: Gail, Chris

AnneEyhtMeyer · 31/08/2015 13:48

Red, use the desktop site on your mobile!

OP posts:
Ledkr · 31/08/2015 14:35

HELLOO fuckers!!

I've been festivalling but bsck now (rubs head)

Ok so firstly wtf is wrong with Jennas arse? Sge looks like a toddler in s full nappy Grin

Janice is ace but mad and I kniw 70 yr olds who look prettier with no surgery.

Never heard of kosher celery.

Farrah is hideous but I loved it when Gail was talking about not wearing a wig to be accepted as she is and the two plastic faces were nodding earnestly with their fat glossy like and weird eyes, priceless.

Ledkr · 31/08/2015 14:37


ENtertainmentAppreciated · 31/08/2015 15:37

not wearing a wig to be accepted as she is and the two plastic faces were nodding earnestly with their fat glossy like and weird eyes, priceless

But the irony's totally lost on them.

Sorry forget who said about Janice being old and old people looking like that, but it's nothing of the case. She doesn't look like an old person, she looks like a person who's messed about with nature until her face looks strange. She'd have looked far better leaving it alone. That kind of intervention's very aging. I don't know Farrah at all but if anyone told me she was a high maintenance 40 year old I wouldn't have questioned it.

I need the Kosher fridge explaining to me.
Apologies because I know very little about religion, but I thought keeping Kosher meant only buying approved foods from approved suppliers and keeping meat and dairy separate at all times? So I figured JJ wanted her celery kept in a designated fridge rather than mixing in with the non-Kosher shopping? but then if she was that strict, why hasn't she got two fridges so that her own food's segregated in accordance with dietary laws?

I'm also confused about Janice's idea that she has a 'half Jewish' child. She must mean has a Jewish father, but you can't be half a religion surely? and Judaism follows through the female line in any case doesn't it Confused

I'm taking this too seriously aren't I? Grin

Only1scoop · 31/08/2015 17:13

Here you all are

Only1scoop · 31/08/2015 17:20

Can barely post
Can't even read thread properly
I use iPhone how best to use now no app

SoleBizzzz · 31/08/2015 17:22

Scoooooop!!! WB!

How's it going in da CBB house? Grin

Only1scoop · 31/08/2015 17:32

Tonight will be my first viewing I am now a trainee PWB.
Don't even know who is in and really struggling with site!!

AnneEyhtMeyer · 31/08/2015 18:32

scoop!!!! How are you posting from the house??? I have to say you don't look at all as I expected.

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Ledkr · 31/08/2015 18:38

It's working ok on my I phone.

ShellyF · 31/08/2015 18:49

Waves to scoop.....WHERE YA BEEN?????

catg83 · 31/08/2015 20:24

Catching up on the past few days. I know that conflict is why I watch but dear Lord. If this is the honeymoon period I don't know if I can hack the explosions. Farrah seems like she is a big stirrer. Also had to giggle at Chloe welling up because she couldn't have sex with Stevie.

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