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Anyone watching THE GOLDBERGS?

67 replies

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 30/04/2015 18:25

Just typed out a post and lost it so forgive me if this posts twiceHmm

Anyone watching this fab series? Honestly I've not seen anything so funny in years, it makes me guffaw out loud even when I'm on my ownGrin

The episode where they go trouser shopping- it was like they had a camera when ds and I go shoppingin Primark BlushGrin

Love the whole 80's theme- fighting over the phone, all the tv shows,phones with great long cords, the HUGE video recorder- brilliantGrin

OP posts:
SelfRaisingFlour · 09/02/2016 16:09

I also wish I had a grandad like Pops. He's lovely.

SelfRaisingFlour · 09/02/2016 16:08

Another great Coach Mellor line was "just because I wear tiny shorts doesn't mean that I don't wear many hats". His delivery is great.

I also like Adam's line when Beverley did something embarrassing - "you did it in front of all my friends - and Dave Kim".

Baconyum · 08/02/2016 22:09

Love this show so much! Dd and I watch together she's 15 and its one of the few shows we both enjoy now. Dd doesn't really relate to any of it, I spend the half hour repeatedly answering questions along the lines of 'is that true/was it really like that?'

gingerboy1912 · 08/02/2016 12:20

Yep we love it in our house. Each character is fab. Even how Kim Lee gets blamed for everything and the headteacher being frightened of the mum is brilliant.

gingercat12 · 08/02/2016 12:12

selfraisingflour I am in love with Coach Mellor ever since President Reagan has personally instructed him in a xeroxed letter to test the kid's fitness level.

lostlalaloopsy · 06/02/2016 08:48

I love it!! All the characters are great, and so funny! I'm glad the gym teacher has been in it a bit more - he's hilarious!

Roobix04 · 06/02/2016 01:09

I watched a test screener of it a few years ago when I did obline surveys and it was terrible. My mum also hated it. When it started airing on e4 we both scoffed and refused to watch it. After many funny adverts we finally gave in and now we love it! They have changed it a lot though.

Destinysdaughter · 06/02/2016 00:50

George Segal is brilliant too! He's such a charmer.

Wish The Goldbergs could adopt me! Sad

NameChanger22 · 05/02/2016 20:11

We are massive fans. At first I dismissed it as a kid's show, but now I can't stop watching it. I love the mum and the fashions.

SelfRaisingFlour · 05/02/2016 20:09

I love it. All the actors are great. I'm not so keen on the lessons learned at the end, but otherwise it's so funny. It also has great supporting characters especially Coach Mellor.

bibliomania · 05/02/2016 13:22

Loving the show. It's introduced DD(8) to the music of the 80s, so I can impress her by knowing all the words, even if I can't carry the tune.

gingercat12 · 03/02/2016 08:19

They are back. Yes!

DS cannot stop Tom Cruising.

UnspecialSnowflake · 30/06/2015 09:46

I've got the last couple of episodes yet to watch, but I'm putting it off because I don't want it to end.

The internet tells me a series three is being made, I hope it's shown on E4. I'm also hoping they might make a two or three parter with the Goldbergs on holiday, I so want to see Beverly's beach ensemble.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 30/06/2015 09:38

Bring on season 3, I'm missing itSad

OP posts:
gingercat12 · 30/06/2015 09:37

Has anyone else seen Barry dancing and singing Livin' on a Prayer? DS, who is 7, was actually lost for words. Afterwards he said he never saw such a cool guy before and Barry is his hero. Grin

gingercat12 · 22/06/2015 09:27

Just introduced DS to it. He was instantly hooked and identified with Barry. Oh, dear. Grin We always thought he was Adam.

KanyesVest · 21/06/2015 23:15

Thank you so much for this thread...I spotted it last night and we are now half way through season one. Just brilliant.

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 20/06/2015 22:10

Ha ha haGrin

OP posts:
LoisWilkersonsLastNerve · 20/06/2015 19:24

Its honestly the funniest thing I've seen in a long time, I'm laughing even reading this!
"its a constant numbness, yo!"


likeaboss · 20/06/2015 14:11

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

gingercat12 · 20/06/2015 11:38

Lois We are a bit behind, but DH found New Kids on the Block episode. So funny. Grin Real Adam was quite tall and closer in age to Barry.
DS has just made an amazing Babby card. We'll never throw it away Grin

LoisWilkersonsLastNerve · 19/06/2015 00:20

Loved the New Kids on the Block episode, I've watched it three times Blush Brilliant show.


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HelenaDove · 19/06/2015 00:10

I LOVE this show. Are E4 stupid making those comments? Surely they must realise that ppl who were kids in the 80s will be watching.

gingercat12 · 18/06/2015 09:23

Today is sports day in school, I think we are going to watch the President's fitness test episode with DS Grin

Being an Eastern European I never realised PE in the US was just as nuts, I thought they were just out to get me. Love Adam!

turningvioletviolet · 17/06/2015 19:12

this is my and dh's favourite programme - the highlight of each evening. Adore George Segal, and Bevvy and all her scmoochies. And last night, her genius Adam. We've all been there. Love the enormous Adam picture above the bed, flanked by Barry and Erica.

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