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Noel Fielding is lovely. Discuss...

27 replies

mrspremise · 20/10/2014 22:19


OP posts:
Letthemtalk · 05/11/2014 17:11

He's lovely!

SpanishFly · 05/11/2014 17:09

I think he's very likeable but give me the major creeps to look at. I just find him completely unattractive.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 24/10/2014 15:34

He prattles on too much on Buzzcocks (about giant crows or some other such shite)
The others look at him Hmm like "Wh aaaaaaa t"

Get to the point or get on with things,

thejellyfox · 24/10/2014 14:03

I love a bit of Noel...he seems really sweet, he has the nicest eyes ever.
I'd give Julian one as well though.

MrsStevenPatrickMorrissey · 23/10/2014 12:49

Ohhhh yessss please, I love him too OP, there's just something so attractive about him, I even fancied him as Richmond in the IT crowd, I'd happily live in the cupboard with him :-)

RunsWithScissors · 21/10/2014 07:57

Walking round London one day DH and I saw him on top of an open top double decker. I tried to be as subtle as possible to let DH know he was there. We failed miserably. We both waved to him. He smiled a huge smile and waved back. This was around 10yrs ago.

jellyandbeans · 21/10/2014 07:56

I think he is lovely and im old enough to be his mum! Lol nice eyes. Not keen on his comedy, but when he is being interviewed he comes across as very sweet and unstarry. Liked him on buzzcocks show.

Pickledradish · 21/10/2014 07:47

Well I like him for his creativity, humour, talent and his own unique style.

Such a breath of fresh air compared to the "designer label" reality show wannabe types, with the same agents, stylists and PR people behind them, that telly is full of these days.

JeanSeberg · 21/10/2014 06:48

I think he was rumoured to be seeing Pixie Geldof at one point.

His girlfriend is Liana Bird off of XFM.

AnyFucker · 21/10/2014 04:55

Doesn't he or didn't he have a really young girlfriend ?

jinglebitch · 21/10/2014 02:57

I have been acquainted with him in the past (not like 'that') and he was the loveliest,sweetest,kindest (he shared his chips) boy...although that was pre 'big' fame, so it may have all gone to his head. Bit short though.Julian ' I am a freelance scientist' Barrett though....(again, back in the day- he's not aged so well) Fit As.

AppleYumYum · 21/10/2014 02:48

I'm afraid I find him creepy too, he makes me laugh on panels/chat shows he appears in but he's just too feminine and made up for me.

TheSpottedZebra · 20/10/2014 22:50

Where is your NFalikey?

TheSpottedZebra · 20/10/2014 22:46

East London, innit?

Bluestocking · 20/10/2014 22:44

I know a woman who looks like NF! Where is your lookylikey, Zebra?

TheSpottedZebra · 20/10/2014 22:43

I have a friend who in some lights, looks utterly like him. But she's female.
In other lights she looks like Kat from Eastenders.

vestandknickers · 20/10/2014 22:42

Ugh. He's creepy. And not funny.

Fairylea · 20/10/2014 22:42

Can't stand the man.. sorry! But each to their own :)

Scarletohello · 20/10/2014 22:40

Would rather shag Russell Brand tbh

MrsMinton · 20/10/2014 22:39

totally mum mm

JeanSeberg · 20/10/2014 22:39

Just for you mrs p.

Noel Fielding is lovely. Discuss...
Fruityb · 20/10/2014 22:38

He's jam hot.


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Bluestocking · 20/10/2014 22:37

He is v funny in chat shows, and was great in The Mighty Boosh, but his solo comedy is substandard. Would love a new series of the Boosh though!

Millie3030 · 20/10/2014 22:35

Not for me at all, he actually gives me the heebee jibees.....

MonstersBalls · 20/10/2014 22:34

The Mighty Boosh is one of the greatest comedy shows ever made! Wash your mouth out Lemming. Shock

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