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Utopia 2

48 replies

Rollergirl1 · 14/07/2014 10:03

As I said on the other thread I'm stupidly excited about watching this tonight and tomorrow night.

From the trailer it looks like Arby is still around, which is aces. Also Arby's sidekick Lee is back, which is odd as I thought Wilson killed him?

I hope the soundtrack is as awesome as it was last time.

Anyone else excited?

OP posts:
ZeroSomeGameThingy · 20/07/2014 08:47

...Although thankfully that report was apparently inaccurate.

Deathraystare · 23/07/2014 09:43

Absolutely love this. Just amazing.

CalamityKate1 · 23/07/2014 17:55

I'm addicted. Wish I'd got the self control to record it and watch all the episodes at once!

adrianna22 · 29/07/2014 23:05

Why oh why did they leave it like that.

I do not understand why they didn't tell Phillips carvels, forgot his name, that his their father.

Plus, why did Wilson kill Ian's brother? thought he was going to set him free, since he killed the body guards.

What race did they pick to save or kill??

adrianna22 · 29/07/2014 23:06

Oh forgot to ask. How come Ian does not want anything to do with Jessica?

Rollergirl1 · 30/07/2014 13:01

I don't think Ian, Becky and Ian know that Carvel is Arby's Dad. Or that Arby is Jessica's brother. But anyway, I assumed that Grant did tell him Arby in the end and that is why Arby goes mad at the end and tries to kill them.

Wilson killed the bodyguards and Ian's brother because essentially he was choosing between being with The Network and Janus, or not. In the end he chose Janus.

We don't know which race yet but with all the talk of Romany, which it appears that Philip was/is, then i'm betting the adjustment is to save he Romanies.

OP posts:
YouGotTime · 02/08/2014 11:30

I think Wilson is being mentored by Milner to become the next Mr Rabbit. She thinks as he is a true believer he will do whatever is necessary - however morally repellant.

The thing that makes me think he won't necessarily accept the role is the teaspoon - do you think he took to from the couch to remind him of the sacrifices that must be made in order to save the world or to remind him the Network is really just a bunch of sadistic murderers?

I've just started watching Utopia and am really enjoying it. I've binge watched series one and two in the last week and now I am all up to date I don't know what to do :)

That is an interesting thought Rollergirl1 on saving the Romanies, I had thought it might be Jewish people but Romani makes sense. (I think they have a relatively distinct genome due to higher levels of genetic isolation.)

JazzAnnNonMouse · 03/08/2014 22:59

Anyone else feel paranoid it could really be happening straight after watching?
This programme really grips me - makes me think it's all real!

It's obviously not wispers is it?

Ferguson · 05/08/2014 20:15

I didn't see Utopia 1, so only know what's been explained in this second one. But, Yes, I'm enjoying it; record it and view at leisure.

Similarly with "The 100", which is fun.

But - anyone seen film "Hard Candy" ? That is quite disturbing.

[Sorry, JazzAnn - I don't know ''wispers".]

JazzAnnNonMouse · 05/08/2014 22:17

Anyone watching tonight?

I meant -whispers- as in stage direction me whispering 'is it'

adrianna22 · 05/08/2014 23:06


Watched tonight's episode, but don't get it.

Why did Phil shoot his son?

I get the fact Jessica is going to be saved as she has the Roma, hmmm I guess she's pregnant too.

I hope Milner doesn't die, she added something to the programme, also she knew Phillip really well.

I don't get the but about the man working in the fast food chain.

I don't understand this whole "save the species".

It's a shame Phillip seemed like he loved Jessica way more than he loved Pietre ( can't spell his name) since it was his fault that his son is the way he is.

JazzAnnNonMouse · 06/08/2014 07:33

Saving the species is what it's all about, the planet is overpopulated and they know resources are finite so before it gets to dog eat dog they're killing the majority of the human race in order for humans not to become exstinct.

Phil always loved Jessica more than Piertre I think he wanted Piertre to die when the building blew up.

The man flipping burgers I think is the last sleeper agent who goes to the places and releases the virus on milners orders.

adrianna22 · 06/08/2014 09:52

Thanks! I understand now.

Rollergirl1 · 06/08/2014 16:38

Yes, the guy working in the burger joint is the person chosen to release the virus in the 5 locations around the world when he receives the call from Milner. In last weeks episode Milner takes Wilson to a food court in a shopping mall where she introduces Wilson to a man who explains that he is one of 3 highly trained people and then goes on to explain what his job is if he receives the call. So obviously the guy from last week was not chosen and burger flipping guy was.

OP posts:
Higheredserf · 09/08/2014 14:16

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Marcelinewhyareyousomean · 11/08/2014 21:38

I've not caught up to the latest episodes. Just about to watch Ep 3. What's with the bright blue eyes? I'll have a read when I know what the feck is going on.

hollycomputer · 12/08/2014 17:57

I'm watching. Utterly love it.

Has anyone noticed that amazing blue and gold painting in Dugdale's house.

Marcelinewhyareyousomean · 12/08/2014 18:15

Me I love it. is good blue and bad mustard yellow. The colours are amazing.

forago · 12/08/2014 22:42

wtf is going on I'm lost now

CalamityKate1 · 13/08/2014 01:11

OMG! Hope there's a series 3!

sunglasses · 13/08/2014 15:31

Wilson is now Mr Rabbits assistant-to Leah who is now in control of the network. Dug sale was not allowed to leave to start as new life as he is probably going to be required to help promote the panic surrounding g a fake pandemic. They will release a small amount if Russian flu in remote places to convince people to take the vaccine on v day. The vaccine will sterilise all those people who are not Roma.
Ian and gang have been rounded up by who knows- Wilson? Or the gang that Cristos belonged to who we don't know anything about yet? RB has just woken up from his coma and hasn't been captured yet so expecting some action from him next series.
Becky isn't going to die if deels and so doesn't need the Thoraxzin which was not a cure anyway but simply an opiate which was giving her hallucinations.
Think that's it.

forago · 13/08/2014 16:46

Who is Leah and where did she come from? mussed that part


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sunglasses · 14/08/2014 14:44

I think Leah must be someone who is helping to fund the whole operation. She appeared alongside Milner during series 2.

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