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AnneEyhtMeyer · 28/03/2014 15:00

In MsNobodyAgain's temporary absence, I am starting this thread. Normal service will be resumed soon, hopefully.

Welcome to the Sad Doctors Thread Participators (SDTP) self-help group.

We have not abandoned all hope of Hestembe, but are concentrating on getting the Gobbyplods back together. Maybe they just need some Merlot?

Please join us, we may have dubious taste in Tv, but we're a friendly bunch.

OP posts:
AnneEyhtMeyer · 01/04/2014 13:48

Was it his dad?

OP posts:
Raahh · 01/04/2014 13:48

Right -i an episode behind (spent 5 hours in a and e trying to figure out why I couldn't breath).

Gobby and Gobby plod in bed!! I really need to watch yesterday's then!

AnneEyhtMeyer · 01/04/2014 13:49

Oh that makes sense, cinnamon.

OP posts:
cinnamongreyhound · 01/04/2014 13:49

I'm assuming his dad did jump and he's inherited the watch but for some reason thinks history will repeat itself.

AnneEyhtMeyer · 01/04/2014 13:49

Ugh! He didn't wash his hands!

OP posts:
cinnamongreyhound · 01/04/2014 13:50

X-post Raahh, are you ok?

AnneEyhtMeyer · 01/04/2014 13:50

You couldn't breathe, Raahh? Shock Are you ok now???

Yes, watch yesterday's. T'was good.

OP posts:
cinnamongreyhound · 01/04/2014 13:51

You should watch it Raahh, was quite funny!

cinnamongreyhound · 01/04/2014 13:51

The old romantic!

AnneEyhtMeyer · 01/04/2014 13:51

Shaving his nose hair? Yuck!

OP posts:
AnneEyhtMeyer · 01/04/2014 13:52

All I want to see is a whole episode of the Gobbyplods.

OP posts:
Raahh · 01/04/2014 13:54

cinnamon- I'm ok- been having weird stomach pains and all weekend, been sick and then yesterday we went for coffee and I couldn't breath properly or walk. Doctors think it's gastro intestinal, which is good, as it's nothing serious, but I hurt everywhere Grin . I'm just tired .

So the lad's dad jumped, and he think's he's going the same way?

cinnamongreyhound · 01/04/2014 13:54

She really is messing him around!

Raahh · 01/04/2014 13:55

Oh, so impossible it could be genetic?

AnneEyhtMeyer · 01/04/2014 13:55

Oh he's adopted. Awkward.

Hope you feel better soon, Raahh.

OP posts:
cinnamongreyhound · 01/04/2014 13:55

Yep that's pretty much it Raahh but I don't think his mum is helping! That's good news on the breathing, at least it should be sorted quickly!

AnneEyhtMeyer · 01/04/2014 13:56

She's not messing him around now, she just wants the start-of-relationship romance, rather than watching him pee and shave his nose hairs.

OP posts:
cinnamongreyhound · 01/04/2014 13:56

Home visit on a roof coming up?

AnneEyhtMeyer · 01/04/2014 13:56

Grin cinnamon

OP posts:
cinnamongreyhound · 01/04/2014 13:57

I get that bit but she is leading him on and then knocking him back and knows he'll keep hanging on. She slept with him to stop him doing anything with driver but isn't really to commit properly to him, just how it seems to me.

cinnamongreyhound · 01/04/2014 13:58

Chris really should move out!

Raahh · 01/04/2014 13:58

The doctors told me to rest GrinGrin

it wasn't the best wedding anniversary ever.

I got into a bit of a state and was obviously hyperventilating, as my hand and legs went completely numb, and my speech was slurry. it sometimes happens when I panic.

I swear, if I was a horse, they'd just shoot meGrin


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AnneEyhtMeyer · 01/04/2014 13:58

I think she loves him.

OP posts:
cinnamongreyhound · 01/04/2014 13:59

You can celebrate when you feel better Raahh, sounds like it was scary for a while!

Raahh · 01/04/2014 14:00

Chris is pathetic really, for a man of his age. .

But not sure what i expect, having grown up with 6tl and Sam!

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