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anyone watching OBEM

135 replies

BoomBoomBoom · 30/01/2013 20:59

Who is going to be watching?

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MrsDeVere · 30/01/2013 21:42

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AnathemaDevice · 30/01/2013 21:42

I missed all of that as DH did his usual trick of coming in and talking to me about cycling, when I'm obviously trying to watch something Hmm

I take it that she's the mother from hell?

TandB · 30/01/2013 21:43

Why is that sister of the other bloke actually there? What is the point of her? She's just sitting there looking bored.

MikeLitoris · 30/01/2013 21:44

I think comedy dad is just like it to hide his nerves.

Also I thought you couldnt have the drip for a vbac

NewYearNewBoo · 30/01/2013 21:44

Old lady midwife is not very sensitive, or is that just me??

Yes sister is a bit pointless!!

ggirl · 30/01/2013 21:44

is that an awkward med student watching?

PixieHot · 30/01/2013 21:45
TandB · 30/01/2013 21:46

Ah, now it all becomes clear. She was there to take a picture on her phone!

PixieHot · 30/01/2013 21:46

Aw, there's something in Dad's eye too.

ggirl · 30/01/2013 21:46

lol @kungfu

NewYearNewBoo · 30/01/2013 21:47

Yep, essential for every birth plan, useless sister and her phone!!

GwendolineMaryLacey · 30/01/2013 21:47

I'm torn between "aaah" and "thank fuck I never have to do that again" :)

NewYearNewBoo · 30/01/2013 21:48

:( I have to do that in 13 weeks Shock why the f* do I keep watching this??

AnathemaDevice · 30/01/2013 21:48

I've just remembered, it hurts, doesn't it?

Still, it's worth it.

IAmLouisWalsh · 30/01/2013 21:49

I am firmly in the 'thank fuck' camp!

MikeLitoris · 30/01/2013 21:49

Tbf if there had been cameras at the birth of dc3 dp would have been that bored looking spectator.

He had been warned to sit still, shut up and maybe hold my hand for the end bit.

GreatSoprendo · 30/01/2013 21:49

Adds note to birth plan - must have pointless sister in room to eat Greggs and take pics on I-phone Confused

Bue · 30/01/2013 21:49

Oh no, awkward male med student! I always feel so sorry for them on our ward - the women never want to them to come in the room (I can see why) so I doubt most of them ever see a normal birth!

MikeLitoris · 30/01/2013 21:50

I am the chair person of camp Thank Fuck!

I love babies and watching them being born etc, but seriously never want to go through that ever again. EVER!

LittleMilla · 30/01/2013 21:52

Tired and should be in bed. Need to see couple that lost their lo have their happy ending though.

Sobbing my heart out at 15 odd weeks. Vowed when pg with ds that I wouldn't put myself through this prog again with me 'ormones!!

hellsbells76 · 30/01/2013 21:53

Last time we had a med student at a birth he passed out - slid gracefully down the wall and landed in a tidy pile on the floor. We didn't take the piss much

NeverKnowinglyUnderstood · 30/01/2013 21:53

so hope it is a happy ending for these two


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NeverKnowinglyUnderstood · 30/01/2013 21:55

fuck... please don't go wrong

ggirl · 30/01/2013 21:55

oh fuck

MikeLitoris · 30/01/2013 21:55

The look of fear on dads face! :(

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