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39 replies

Crystaltips · 20/03/2006 21:25

Does Adam Ricketts look like he's far too thin ???? Shock

OP posts:
lavenderfraggle · 24/03/2006 22:04

come on JK you have got to be in the top 3!!!

Marie12 · 24/03/2006 14:51

oh who knows, all i know is hes not going out with me!

GDG · 23/03/2006 17:21

Only saw it the other night but couldn't stop saying to dh how horrible Adam's body was - it was the diving one I saw. He looked absolutely horrible!

sparkly1 · 23/03/2006 17:03

I heard JK say on the Radio that his gf was currently in Rocky Horror Picture Show in Oxford so have just read the cast and it's he who is dating Suzanne Shaw. I thought she looked like the girl from Steps so I was way wrong!

Marie12 · 23/03/2006 16:58

i know its jk from radio 1, thats why when i heard he was seeing denise, i laughed because she has gone out with two jk's!

kipper22 · 23/03/2006 07:33

thats jay kay out of jamiroquai marie! this is the extremely famous jk from radio 1...?

Marie12 · 22/03/2006 20:57

i heard that jk is seeing denise van outen?

lilybird · 22/03/2006 20:33

sorry should say pulled out! whoops!

lilybird · 22/03/2006 20:33

rumour has it that darren day pulled because jk is seeing his ex suzanne shaw (from hearsay) bit of useless gossip there for you all!

lilybird · 22/03/2006 20:33

rumour has it that darren day pulled because jk is seeing his ex suzanne shaw (from hearsay) bit of useless gossip there for you all!

sandyballs · 22/03/2006 11:52

Peter is rather fit for his age isn't he, I heard he was 51. Not sure about his hair though, looks like crafty combings to me. Better to chop it off.

amber5 · 22/03/2006 11:43

think they said peter D is 50

welshboris · 22/03/2006 10:54

Goldie broke a bone, leg or something so had to drop out

So know, everything is being dedicated to Goldie

Finishing a race- "this is for Goldie"

Coming first- "this is for Goldie"

Having a wee- "this is for Goldie"

Marina · 22/03/2006 10:51

I spotted a snippet in the paper that says he was working on an acting role (due to be broadcast soon) which had required him to look seriously malnourished. I didn't get the full details but he lost several kg and hasn't put it back on yet.
Might explain his emaciated appearance, hopefully it's all temporary.
I too am fascinated by how fit and bouffant Mr Duncan is. Dh says he is in his mid-50s. Surely not?

kipper22 · 22/03/2006 10:47

he's a bit frightening now - was watching his chest after his diving and it kind of caves in in the middle. [worried emoticon]

bubblerock · 21/03/2006 21:06

Yowch Shock did you see his eyes after that dive???

Saggarmakersbottomknocker · 21/03/2006 16:28

He looks a bit odd doesn't he? Adam I mean.

Javine and Amanda are getting on my norks. I'm cheering for Peter and Julia

BettySpaghetti · 21/03/2006 15:55

I also agree that Adam Ricketts looks quite ill and has certainly aged from when he was in Corrie. He was quite muscular then too from what I remember -the weight loss obviously doesn't agree with him.

lavenderfraggle · 21/03/2006 15:41

Darren Day got kicked off because he never turned up for training and basically took the piss the whole time - what a sad sad man

amber5 · 21/03/2006 15:41

I saw one of the early 'training' E4 shows, and Darren Day was complaining about it being hard work etc, he hardly turned up to any training sessions; the others were all moaning about him, and i think he just wimped out.

lavenderfraggle · 21/03/2006 15:40

it's JK for me all the way!!! Grin

JARM couldn't agree more, i hope javine comes last and then disappears for ever!!!!

Milliondollarbaby you listen to chris moyles too then!!!

VeniVidiVickiQV · 21/03/2006 15:38

Yes - what happened to darren day?


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Northerner · 21/03/2006 15:38

When is this on?

jstbcs · 21/03/2006 15:36


so many comments, dont wnat to upset anyone....

but, is he gay? doens't he look a bit, well, sick? iyswim?

worst case of aging ever.

MillionDollarBaby · 21/03/2006 15:01

Heard Adam Ricketts on the the radio this morning saying that he runds 8 miles a day!

He did used to have anorexia and does look for too thin imho

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