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Vampire Diaries . . . Any good? Or is it just Dawson Creek with fangs?

32 replies

wintera · 29/11/2010 20:26

I love Vampire stories. And absolutely love True Blood and Being Human at the moment. Is Vampire Diaries worth my time? Cos it looks a bit Dawson's Creek like to me. Any thoughts from fellow Mumsnetters?

OP posts:
megsophandemma · 07/12/2010 12:28

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SleepingLion · 05/12/2010 19:04

I watch Gossip Girl too! In my defence, I am a teacher and need to be able to relate to my students Grin

Liv77 · 04/12/2010 20:09

I watch Gossip Girl as well
My defence (not that I really need one) is that they are based on teen books and as I work in a library it could be constituted as research. Hmm

Unfortunately however, America's Next Top Model is not based on a book so I can't use that excuse all the time. Grin

LaWeaselMys · 04/12/2010 14:02

The first episode is so incredibly bad.

But now I am a mini-addict.

I do secretly love a bit of teen drama though, I watch Gossip Girl too!

SciFiFan · 04/12/2010 13:47

Thanks jimjammum I'll check that out Xmas Smile

JimJammum · 03/12/2010 22:00

I watch on a Friday too; just finished last night's ep....I use and choose the megavideo links as you don't need to register.

SciFiFan · 03/12/2010 18:19

JimJam - my DH also watches with me. Whenever he notices me drooling over Damon he just rolls his eyes and says 'but he's dead!!!!' and asking whether I want him to bite me Hmm.

Meg what site do you download the American episodes from?

wintera · 02/12/2010 22:39

I've watched loads now and agree with the comments that it gets better throughout the season. Just watched the ep where the tomb gets opened and I thought it was very creepy! The horror scenes are very effective.

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megsophandemma · 02/12/2010 20:34

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JimJammum · 02/12/2010 20:25

Major TVD fan over watch and enjoy. Onky thing I'd say is that it might be tricky getting into the story...the curse, werewolves, doppelgangers of doppelgangers, warlocks, Originals...the plotline's getting trickier by the week, so I'd watch season 1 first (grit your teetch through the first 4 episodes until it starts to kick off) and then watch season 2 so you can keep up.
I've recommended to a couple of Vamp-fans and they are all hooked, and their dhs too.

SciFiFan · 02/12/2010 17:12

Sleeping Lion - it gets worse. I've even found myself watching clips on YouTube between Tuesday night 'fixes'. BlushBlush

SoupDragon · 02/12/2010 16:58

I've just watched episode two of season one as it is available free on virgin Media's tv choice. It's very teeny but oddly compelling. S far, I do want to see how it pans out and whether it develops into something other than teeny stuff.

SleepingLion · 02/12/2010 16:49

Grin @ 'compelling me through the screen'!

It's soooooooo true - at first, I just thought 'Ooh he's not bad' but now I drool whenever he's on screen Blush

SciFiFan · 01/12/2010 21:40

Sorry that should be 'something'.

SciFiFan · 01/12/2010 21:39

Be warned wintera you start off just thinking Damon is OK and a bit pretty but before too long you'll find yourself drooling everytime he appears.

I think he must be compelling me through the screen or somthing. GrinBlush

wintera · 01/12/2010 20:13

Well I've watched a few eps now. It does remind me a lot of Dawson's Creek and also Scream as well so was not surprised to see Kevin Williamson's name on the credits.

It's alright, and I must say I was quite surprised by some of the horror bits as they were actually more graphic than I thought they would be. However, neither of the fellas is my cup of tea I'm afraid. I prefer my Vamps a bit rougher looking than those two, they're much too pretty looking. The guy who plays Damon is prettier than most of the girls in it! Smile
Will definitely be sticking with it though and will probably watch all the eps that they have on Virgin On Demand.

OP posts:
SleepingLion · 01/12/2010 18:14

Hmmm, have been browsing online (what else is there to do in the snow?) and have found a t-shirt which says 'Damon Salvatore can compel me any time".

Is it inappropriate to add it to my Christmas list which I'm making which DH is not allowed to deviate from which offers DH some gentle hints as to what I might like? Grin

SciFiFan · 01/12/2010 15:54

I'm with you guys on the Buffy film remake - No Joss = No Good!!

As for Vampire Diaries I'm another who agrees that it grew on me after the first few episodes. I'm definately Team Damon - god he's gorgeous Grin.

SleepingLion · 01/12/2010 08:12
GothAnneGeddes · 30/11/2010 22:47

Even my Mum is Team Damon. Didn't like him at all in series 1, but he's increasingly appealing.

Liv77 · 30/11/2010 20:43

Agree with sleepinglion on both counts -

Why do they keep on remaking stuff that's so recent. For instance they're redoing Spiderman again from the start, new cast, director etc and the last film isn't even 4 years old yet Confused

And out of the VD Grin gang, yes, I'd do Damon.

SleepingLion · 30/11/2010 20:13

wintera - I saw that about the new Buffy movie Shock

No Joss and none of the cast - not a hope in hell I'll go to see it. Worst idea ever. How can they hope to follow something so cult and so recent? Not like it was made fifty years ago and they're bringing it back for a new generation, like Dr. Who or something. I'm nearly 40 and all the teenagers I teach are huge Buffy fans too so what audience are they hoping this new version is going to appeal to?

Boone from Lost is the eye-wateringly gorgeous and badly behaved Damon: I don't know a single woman who watches who isn't firmly Team Damon, so don't write him off just yet. Grin


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wintera · 30/11/2010 19:52

SleepingLion - Buffy was the dog's bollocks in my opinion. Nothing will ever top Buffy, no way no how! Have you heard the big news that they are making another movie of Buffy? Not all good news though - Joss is not involved in it! Sorry but Buffy without Joss should not be happening!

I am going to watch Vampire Diaries tonight. It's on On Demand on Virgin at the mo so will watch it there. However, I do recognise one of the guys as Boone from Lost and he is a bit pretty boyish for my liking. He looks like a young Rob Lowe too.

OP posts:
Tortington · 30/11/2010 19:38

i loved dawsons, i like a good trash tv series, but i gave this up after series one becuase it goes in circles and is the same old bollocks over and over

MrsDmitriTippensKrushnic · 30/11/2010 19:37

I love it, although it did take a few episodes to really catch my attention.

Damon is knee tremblingly pretty, not that I watch for the shirtless scenes of course Grin

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