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How on earth do I fill up my 13 year old ds?

18 replies

BigButtons · 02/03/2020 20:56

He’s just a long and lean eating machine. He’ll have a big home made dinner and 2 hours later is cooking something else. He’s always hungry. I get it- he’s tall and growing like a weed.
Tips on healthy stuff I can stock the fridge with please.
I will need a bank loan at this rate!

OP posts:
BigButtons · 03/03/2020 13:51

I stocked up on loads just now- including a whole chicken which I will cook later and he can tear chunks off as he pleases that will work out better than chicken breasts.

OP posts:
MissSmiley · 02/03/2020 21:59

Scrambled eggs
I feel pain I have almost 13 year old twin boys

TheSparkling · 02/03/2020 21:46

I was wondering exactly the same thing this morning after doing my weekly shop on Saturday and finding that by Monday the milk for the week has nearly gone, the ham has gone, 11 bananas and umpteen yoghurts. I can not fill the boy at all. He is 13 like OP and growing like a weed.

icanclearabuffet · 02/03/2020 21:45

I hear ya! I have a nearly 15 year old DS who is eating me out of house and home.
He cooks scrambled eggs,beans on toast,ham and cheese toasties.I buy a 6 pack of hot cross buns ever day.
All these are snacks on top of 3 square meals a day.

Ratbagratty · 02/03/2020 21:41

Would soup work? Filling but can be a bit better on the budget. Homemade slow cooker on all day, ready when in from school. Big bowl then, maybe one as starter to help pad or dinner or evening snack depending on routines.

ScampiLady · 02/03/2020 21:41

I used to make a big pot of soup (my two loved homemade minestrone) so it was ready to dish up with bread when they walked through the door ravenous.

Later they'd have their main meal.

woodencoffeetable · 02/03/2020 21:40

dc likes making toasties
we have a microwave toasiemaker that's used a lot,

AnotherMurkyDay · 02/03/2020 21:38

Would he drink protein shakes?

AnotherMurkyDay · 02/03/2020 21:38

Low cost/high protein foods like burgers, eggs, chicken thighs, mince, tuna, cottage cheese.
And whole grain complex carbs like wholegrain oats, whole wheat pasta, wholegrain Bread, beans and pulses.
Nuts and nut butters can be really filling too, if you buy in bulk peanut butter especially can be really cheap

Mominatrix · 02/03/2020 21:34

My sympathies. I always keep a substantial supply of:

  • eggs
  • bagels
  • crumpets
  • hummus
  • cheese
  • cream cheese/Boursin
  • pasta
  • various nuts
  • peanut butter
  • dried mango
  • noodle pots ( some are better than others)
  • yoghurt
  • muesli
  • chicken breast (yes, he will make one if he is hungry as part of a second dinner)
  • smoked salmon

He is an athlete in an intense aerobic sport so eats a shocking amount of carbs and protein.
BigButtons · 02/03/2020 21:30

Good Ideas thanks- he’s definitely a protein fiend, but has never eaten cereal.

OP posts:
Inforthelonghaul · 02/03/2020 21:24

Mine loves egg noodles and soy sauce. He must eat 4 packs a week easily.

Cinderemma · 02/03/2020 21:08

Big tub of tuna pasta is always in my fridge for snacking on. I have two hungry teens who constantly need food

3luckystars · 02/03/2020 21:03

Wheetabix, 4 at a time. Good luck.

sorryiasked · 02/03/2020 21:02

Weetabix/ Shredded wheat with milk
Cheese sandwich on brown bread

LadyMonicaBaddingham · 02/03/2020 21:01

Hard-boiled eggs in a bowl in the fridge. Big box of crudités and a tub or two of hummus/taramasalata protein-rich dips. Lots of toast and cereal.

5zeds · 02/03/2020 20:59


It will all go

Selfsettling3 · 02/03/2020 20:59

He needs protein. Teach him to make homemade egg McMuffin.

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