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DS(16) came home with a tattoo. What would you do?

34 replies

Tex111 · 13/08/2018 17:45

DS (16) and a friend of the same age got tattoos at a place in Camden yesterday. I can't work out how I feel. It's a Nike swoosh on his upper thigh and not visible (thank god). He said he got the logo as a political statement about corporate money and suffering. I don't really get that. I do feel furious that the tattooist broke the law. They didn't ask for any ID, just asked the boys if they were 18. On the one hand I'm glad DS had the sense to go to a hygienic place (as far as I can tell) and got the tattoo in a discrete place but I also feel upset about it. I just don't know what to think.

OP posts:
Fabricwitch · 15/08/2018 22:50

I would be worried about the cleanliness and workmanship from a tattoo parlour that will tattoo a 16 year old, and presumably without an appointment? Keep a very close eye on it until it's healed!
Definitely report the parlour.

Fabricwitch · 15/08/2018 22:58

I've have tattoos between the ages of 21 and 25 and have always been asked for ID

JuniperBeer · 15/08/2018 23:16

I’d be concerned about the hygiene of the parlour. Any decent tattoo place worth using would ask for ID. If they’ve failed to ask for ID, what else are they scrimping on/not doing?

user764329056 · 16/08/2018 00:28

My daughter did the same at 16, I didn’t make a big thing of it and thankfully once she got through rebellion of teenage years all was ok, she’s very grounded. As an aside, Nike is a hugely corporate capitalist organisation so it’s an odd choice if he is protesting about that

SimonBridges · 16/08/2018 08:36

The tattoo isn’t the end of the world, it’s in an easily hidden place and although a Nike tick is shit at least it’s not rude. You’ve reported the place so not much more you can do there.

As for the drink, well I think we’ve all done that but opening a new bottle is taking the piss. Do you think grounding him or some other restrictions might be in order?

specialsubject · 17/08/2018 20:59

protest at big corporations by getting branded? well, at least that mitigates your justifiable anger with a good laugh, what a fool.

from lurking on here I understand that any reputable tattoo place needs apppintments, and will check id as they have committed an assault on a minor. He needs the appropriate disease checks as this place clearly is not reputable.

lets hope Camden close them down.

otterturk · 17/08/2018 21:01

Why does it matter? Really? It's his body and it isn't visible

otterturk · 17/08/2018 21:02

Hepatitis and HIV tests ?! Christ this place is hysterical. In a hysteria not amusing way.

specialsubject · 17/08/2018 21:46

many on mn wont sit on public toilets, but that isnt how you catch blood borne diseases. dodgy tattoo parlours are one way.

hopefully the outcome is a seriously dickish tattoo.

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