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Dd talking to people on line

6 replies

Rowenaravenclawsdiadem · 15/03/2018 23:07

Dd (12) has been downloading chat forums again, after she was groomed once a few months back. I've asked her not too and have just taken her phone off her ( she has inset tomorrow and I could hear it), she wouldn't give it to me so I took it and she said 'you might as well know I've been chatting to people online again'

I'm so cross, she is very emotionally immature has add and is on the spectrum.

Last time she did it she was blatantly being groomed but couldn't see it for herself.

She seems to have no idea, I feel like I'm being over protective but she is so immature. I'm just rambling really.

How do you monitor chat room usage etc?

OP posts:
bonnyshide · 15/03/2018 23:25

If you are shit at technology now is the time to smarten up.

Rowenaravenclawsdiadem · 15/03/2018 23:19

I have put restrictions across everything, I do spot checks on her phone and her dad monitors her pc.

She has self harmed in the past and I feel like she almost holds me to ransom. I'm actually shit scared she is going to do some serious damage to herself.

OP posts:
LemonDropsAreSour · 15/03/2018 23:17

You feel like you are being overprotective, when your daughter has been groomed online and is walking back straight into that situation? Have I read that correctly?!

Ban her internet access full stop!!!!

LovingLola · 15/03/2018 23:15

I'm a bit shit when it comes to technology.

If you are able to use Mumsnet then you are able to google how to keep your child safe on the internet. Stop faffing about and figure it out.

Rowenaravenclawsdiadem · 15/03/2018 23:10

I will look at the internet code, I'm a bit shit when it comes to technology. Will have to look up how to do it as there are other teenagers in the house as well.

OP posts:
delilahbucket · 15/03/2018 23:09

I would be removing internet access full stop until she can be trusted. Change the WiFi code and give her a sim card without data if she must have a phone, or get her one for talking and texting only.

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