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Make your mind up

5 replies

sadallthetime · 19/03/2017 15:27

So today after a week of not feeling well and still not great dd asks can we do something today . I say let me finish housework . Make dinner for tomorrow , and we go out at 4 pm for food and wander about . Off she goes ( she 15) and puts on a bit of make up . She just come down and said oh weather better let's go walking instead . I said big we already planned go out for dinner . She in a strop now and says she not coming .

If I could I would just go to bed and cover my head and not see anyone until tomorrow

OP posts:
sadallthetime · 20/03/2017 21:40

Swingifthings I never said I was cross lol . I was more exasperated. I had had bad bad chest infection for over a week . Was set to go have some nice food and didn't have energy for big long walk . Was nice to cook a dinner which we had today and enjoy a bar meal yesterday . And we did little walk after .

OP posts:
swingofthings · 20/03/2017 09:16

Your DD suggested a free healthy walk rather than dinner that you would have to pay for and you felt cross! Ha ha, I'd be absolutely over the moon if my DD suggested a walk rather than a meal, even if she'd changed her mind!

sadallthetime · 19/03/2017 19:28

Just a little update . We went for food and walked in town a bit and then went home and put on trainers and walked for a bit

OP posts:
HarrietSchulenberg · 19/03/2017 15:46

Why not walking and a pub tea out? Best of both worlds.

lljkk · 19/03/2017 15:42

awwwww.... I like walking better (cheaper, healthy, sunshine!) so would have liked that change.

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