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12 replies

Snowbell · 05/12/2016 23:20

DD, who has just turned 15, wants Snapchat. Do your teens use it and have they had any problems with dodgy stuff? She is on Instagram and Facebook. I am not keen on her having it because it must be so easy for someone to send dodgy photos. She says it is easy to save something by taking a screen shot and everyone knows that. She says, of course, that everyone is on it now and she needs it! Any advice would be appreciated.

OP posts:
LouisvilleLlama · 14/12/2016 02:28

Personally think Instagram is safer, a lot of snapchat is sending raunchy photos, and although you can see it's been screenshot (there are ways to screenshot without alerting the person) it doesn't stop a screenshot being taken. But I guess the max time it's available is 24 hours.

Instagram has more privacy settings you can see what they're posting and Instagram has strict guidelines

garlicandsapphire · 14/12/2016 02:14

DD16 on snapchat mainly and instagram, as others say FB aint for teens anymore. My DD is very well educated about sexting etc and very sharp about what's not on from guys/creeps she doesnt know, bitchfests etc. Also, she didnt ask permission to get it - its great you're even consulted.

Floofborksnootandboop · 07/12/2016 13:07

All my Dcs have it, 14, 16, 18 and 19, and all there friends. I can see why some might have a problem but really it isn't bad at all. It's not easier to send bad pics that it is on Facebook or Instagram.

TBH at that age I probably wouldn't be bothered too much about apps them and their friends are using. I can't remember the last time any of mine asked permission to download something.

HeadElf · 07/12/2016 00:10

Snapchat is really mixed tbh, I started using it a few years ago when I was about 21 and if I'm honest the whole reason and the craze amongst friends of a similar age was to send naughty photos to one another. There used to be a best friend function so you could see each users 'best friend' (their most frequent snapper) and a lot of cheating/affairs came to light from it. Now I'm older and a mum I wouldn't dream of using it for that purpose, it's to send funny photos of DC to my sister and school friends.

Like anything, especially social media, it is what you want it to be.
If someone wants it with the intent of sending or receiving naughty photos, they will.
If someone wants it to communicate with friends and family and take some fun snaps, they will.

BackforGood · 06/12/2016 23:42

Mine all use it.
Facebook is reserved mainly for us parents now. The teens all use snapchat.
Like all social media, (well, indeed real life as well) it's about teaching them to be confident about not accepting anything they feel uncomfortable with, and making sure they know what to do.

mamalovesmojitos · 06/12/2016 23:35

Dd12 has Snapchat, no problems so far. I use it too.

Cleebope · 06/12/2016 23:28

They all use it, DD since she was 12. I'm surprised she actually needs your permission or even told you about it. She sounds like a sensible kid. We've never had any problems with it.

Snowbell · 06/12/2016 20:47

Thanks, miss Helena, that's a good point. I actually think it's probably ok, but I am just checking it out.

OP posts:
PingPongBat · 06/12/2016 08:14

Just tried feeding back and my shake thing doesn't work 😐 When I post on a thread, then go back to posts I'm on, the post I've just commented on doesn't appear.

PingPongBat · 06/12/2016 08:08

As an op has said, it's no worse than Instagram really, and at least you can tell when someone takes a screenshot. If your DD is 15

misshelena · 06/12/2016 05:29

OP - what about snapchat makes you more uncomfortable than instagram or facebook? I think most parents think the reverse. On snapchat, the sender gets a notification if the receiver takes a screenshot of the snap. Not so on Instagram. Your followers can take as many screenshots of your posts as they want and you'd never know.

StarUtopia · 05/12/2016 23:22

No dodgier than instagram!

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