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What do your teens do that annoy you?

37 replies

marvelousdcomics · 18/10/2016 19:08

  • Dd (14) walks around in her boxers and sports bra (sometimes a vest) saying I should put the heating on
  • Ds (13) also does the same (minus sports bra, obviously Grin)
  • Leaving apple cores/banana skins in their bedrooms for them to go mouldy Confused
  • 'forgetting' to do their assigned chores
  • Never making their beds!
  • Eating constantly and complaining that we never have any 'real food' in (ie junk food)
  • Never seem to be able to find the washing basket, the floor will apparently do just fine
  • Endless deodorant bottles/roll on things all over the house

Do love them though Smile
OP posts:
CoverYourEarsTeam · 20/10/2016 02:16

Mine has been using all the data on our shared phone plan. We have 10.5GB between us, which I think is oodles. But he goes through half of it in the first fortnight and then I spend the next two weeks getting ever-stroppier texts from the phone company about our data limit. Along with threats to top up our data at exorbitant cost.
It doesn't matter how many discussions, reminders, whatever we have about it, it's the same every month.
For instance, I have just checked our use with a week to go on the plan: him 9.25GB, me 331mb.
Well I have fixed him... quick online chat with the phone company and our plans have been separated. He now gets 5.5GB a month and I get 5GB. Freedom Grin

Sparklingbrook · 20/10/2016 06:49

One single thing going wrong meaning everything is awful. For example bad day at p/t job means wanting to give up work, school, learning to drive and football, because ' EVERYTHING IS CRAP'. Then the next day carrying on as normal. Confused

14 year old getting home from school at 3.45pm but not doing his paper round til 6.30. Angry

Love them both to bits though, they are mostly good lads. It's just all the DRAMA!

BigSandyBalls2015 · 20/10/2016 13:09

Another one as of last night - 15 or so texts (she was out) begging me to order a new top as it's mufti day at school on Friday. She sent a photo of it, begging for me to pay for next day delivery - she's got the money in her account and she'd pay etc etc. So lots of texts toing and froing, she was answering immediately, and I did order it for her.

However, I followed up with a text about her history coursework as I'd received an email from her teacher ...... no reply from DD. Sent another one ..... ignored. When she got home she feigned ignorance and said she hadn't seen them Angry.

Thanks for that tip Quietly, I'll try that.

hairymairyfromthedairy · 20/10/2016 17:16

Currently having the silent treatment from mine because I said if he went out he needed to be back for 6 as that was when we were eating & it's getting dark not long after that! Apparently no-one else has a time to be back & it's perfectly reasonable to be out until he feels like coming home & still expecting his tea on his return! He didn't go out at all!!

Bumperstickers · 21/10/2016 10:15

The floordrobe. Being "worn out" at college despite hardly being there and doing not much work. Too stressed and busy to get a Saturday job (spends all day Saturday lying around doing nothing).
Yes being late all the time!! Being glued to phone/internet constantly. Being like a lodger in the house, an untidy one at that.
I could go on and on.

Owllady · 21/10/2016 10:18

One them keeps saying areola all the time Confused but tbh he's a sweet boy
My 17 yo doesn't irritate me at all Blush

screechingcorella · 21/10/2016 10:23

Mumbling! All the mumbling! I'm starting to just smile and nod in return.

DooWhop · 25/10/2016 05:21

Yes to all of these but big I think you've kidnapped my dd2. Snapchats streaks and makeup on the carpet gave me the rage this week.

Katedotness1963 · 25/10/2016 11:42

Eldest will not get a move on in the mornings! First is the struggle to get him out of bed, then the struggle to get him out of the door in time for the school bus. Every morning I expect him back saying he's missed it.

Again the going to be 17 on Saturday. We still don't know what he wants, what he wants to do, if he wants to celebrate with his friends or family on the day. We have offered to buy him and two friends concert tickets, to give him money to go out for a meal with his friends, to book a table for a family meal...nothing!!

They both watch YouTube videos on their phones and giggle like mad but will not share what is funny.

Selective deafness.

The eldest never knows where his wallet is resulting in the whole family searching frantically seconds before he should be leaving the house.

supermum1102020 · 25/10/2016 11:48

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Strikingclock · 26/10/2016 13:19

Oh god yes, the endless DRAMA, it is utterly exhausting - can't even agree on who is going to set the table or hang up coats atm - without having to call in a UN negotiator ... .

Ditto clothes on floor, selective hearing, toast obsession

And I am sure we will at some point win the Guinness Book of Records award for most number of hair elastics and deodorant canisters contained in one house

galaxygirl45 · 26/10/2016 13:30

Oh god, where to start ...... 2 teenage daughters means the bathroom looks a war zone, so many products and razors everywhere, overflowing bin, window never opened or fan switched on so it smells musty. We have a separate ensuite thank god but when you want a bath, you have to tackle it - and then clean it first. I got so fed up with the washing mountain that they do their own, which then means whenever I want to use the washer or dryer, its full of theirs - usually its been in there for days and stinks...... the endless toast making, the "why don't you buy anything nice to eat" ie junk food, the TV is always on MTV or some other reality crap............... but what I do love is that they are still here, with 1 having left home the mess/noise etc is something that you really miss!!

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