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14 Year Old DS

40 replies

HermiioneSnape02 · 08/03/2016 10:56

I'm a bit concerned about DS14. He isn't really growing? No puperty in sight either.

I normally don't fetch him from school but did yesterday and its been playing on my mind. I knew he was quite short, but in comparison to his friends, (since I last saw them they have all shot up and grow immensely) he is tiny.

No spots, no hair, ( I have asked and jokingly checked his pits), but he is putting on weight though, too much if I'm honest, he is constantly hungry. I'm having to talk to to him repeatedly about healthy choices and filling food rather than crisps and chocolates.

Do you think its too early for a trip to the dr's?
Thanks x

OP posts:
Katedotness1963 · 11/03/2016 14:30

My youngest is 14 and he's baby faced and just broke the five foot mark. He's getting chubby, but doesn't seem to be eating more than usual and finally has a very light "mustache". He doesn't seem bothered about it though, which is good as I'm only 4'11" so I doubt he's going to be very tall anyway.

I remember seeing some formula for working out your child's adult height based on mum and dads height...

Katedotness1963 · 11/03/2016 14:59
derektheladyhamster · 11/03/2016 15:04

DS shot up between 14 & 15. He went from the shortest in his class to second tallest by the end of yr 10

HermiioneSnape02 · 11/03/2016 15:07


Thanks for that calculator. It states he'll be 5ft 10. And my daughter will be 5ft5. Our respective heights.

My DD's 20 & 16. Are both 5ft 2. So not too accurate.

I think the difference is in how each child feels. My DS is bothered although I wish he wasn't. He doesn't even have a light moustache. No signs at all.

OP posts:
HermiioneSnape02 · 11/03/2016 15:24

Thanks Derek. Maybe light at the end of the tunnel. It's just not fun being the last I suppose.

OP posts:
derektheladyhamster · 11/03/2016 19:54

He just coming up to 16 now. He grew about an inch just in December! I wish I'd set up a height chart, it had been quite an amazing 18 months....

ridingabike · 21/03/2016 16:54

My son is the same, he's 13 and has always been very small. He still is, but not quite as out of proportion to the other boys of his age as he used to be if you see what I mean. The girls tower above him though ;) He had an undescended testicle that had to be removed when he was 7 so it is something that I need to keep an eye on. I'm not sure if he's 7 stone yet.

But my father was always called titch at school but made it to 6 foot, and although I thought I had reached my adult height at 13, I was looking at a photo of a holiday when I was 13 and I was a good bit smaller than my mum, we are the same height now. So I think late puberty or at least late growth runs in the family.

Clavinova · 21/03/2016 19:13

Definitely take your ds to the GP if he is worried. There is a simple x-ray (wrist) that he can have which shows his bone age - if that is younger than his actual age then he has several more growing years than his peers. If you decide not to take him then please be aware that growth plates can close as early as age 16 in boys although usually around age 18/19. Best to be on the safe side and check.

TheSnowFairy · 21/03/2016 22:00

DS1 (14) is 5ft 9 with size 12 feet.

I am very much hoping his feet don't grow a lot more, his shoes are so flipping expensive Hmm

bigTillyMint · 22/03/2016 07:39

They all hit puberty at different ages. I know a couple who were 15/16 before they grew. I think it is tough for a boy, but he will growFlowers

Snow, DS's feet haven't grown since he was about 13, I think they grow first!

sandgrown · 22/03/2016 07:50

My DS has always been stocky but at age 12 he put on weight ,which he was very conscious of, and it affected his confidence. Since he reached 13 he has started growing quickly and the weight is dropping off. It is lovely to see him so much happier .

ytredf · 14/07/2020 03:34

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Fizziage · 20/01/2021 17:10

I know this is a really old thread but out of interest, how tall did all your sons end up? Ds14 is quite small yet older ds is very tall so just wondering whether any other kids had a late growth spurt?

gegs73 · 20/01/2021 23:26

DS1 was 5 foot 6 so small adult height, but 6.5 stone and very young looking until he was about 15.5. In the space of just under a year he grew to 5’11, weighs 9 stone and looks like a young man at last. He still has some growing to do so will likely be 6 foot +. I was really worried at the time, as he was conscious of it, but he was just a late bloomer.

Fizziage · 21/01/2021 00:01

Thank you @gegs73

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