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Ds (13) won't let me meet his girlfriend!!

61 replies

HiccupHaddockHorrendous · 06/02/2016 13:56

Overbearing mother alert!!!
Ds (yr 9) has recently made friends with a girl in his year at school. He's started going out to meet her after school and on the weekend. They message each other a lot when he's at home.
He's been perfectly open about the friendship (after a little interrogation from me and is sharing a lot more info with me than I ever did with my own mother!!!).
I've suggested they hang out at our house instead of wandering the village when the weather is shitty but he is mortified by this idea. I've promised I won't embarrass him and will leave them to watch tv downstairs while I hide in my room Grin but this is still a stupid idea (in his opinion!!).
Any thoughts? Should I back off and just let him do as he wants? I admit I am a little terrified of this teenage own was hideous and I don't want Ds' and my relationship to turn out like mine and my mother's.

OP posts:
IHaveBrilloHair · 06/02/2016 20:02

Dd's bf is over right now,they are in her room.
They came in to say hi, and I told them as always plenty of food and drink if they want anything, and please brush the cats.
I swear dd gets him to do it as she is lazy and he is eager to please!
I can hear them watching something or other online and laughing.

zen1 · 06/02/2016 19:41

God, I am sounding very over-invested already!

zen1 · 06/02/2016 19:39

DS was only gone 1.5 hrs. His date had been told to be home within the hour, so short but sweet! He seems to be quite happy with how it went, but when I asked him if they had arranged anything else, he said he wanted to but was too scared to ask Hmm. I have told him to at least drop her a text to show he is still interested...

HiccupHaddockHorrendous · 06/02/2016 19:33

Yep :)

OP posts:
Sparklingbrook · 06/02/2016 18:34

Well at least they were out of the rain. Grin

HiccupHaddockHorrendous · 06/02/2016 18:31

Yes and 30 mins before he was meant to!! They ended up going to his friend's house because it was raining so much Grin...only feeling a little miffed that they didn't come here Wink

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SparkleSoiree · 06/02/2016 18:29

I didn't meet any of my son's girlfriend's for the first few years. I've met 2, the ex and the now wife. Isn't it a big thing for lads to have their girlfriend's meet their mums?

Sparklingbrook · 06/02/2016 18:28

Is he back yet Hiccup? And Zen.

HiccupHaddockHorrendous · 06/02/2016 15:33

Ha, ha! I'll keep that in mind Grin

OP posts:
mungo8 · 06/02/2016 15:22

I had the same with my Dd14 wouldn't bring the boyfriend home out in all weather I did all sorts promised not to speak to him 9 months they agreed to venture in the garden then to the garden room x same boyfriend nearly two years later can't get them to go outside x be careful what you wish for Grin

HiccupHaddockHorrendous · 06/02/2016 15:16

It's my poor attempt at trying to be funny and not taking things too seriously (esp the cool mum comment!) Grin

OP posts:
RudeElf · 06/02/2016 15:10

Ah fair enough Op. It did come across in your initial posts that you had been going on at him about it. It was just the interrogation comment and the cool mum comment. It sounded a bit try hard but fair enough if thats not what you meant.

HiccupHaddockHorrendous · 06/02/2016 14:58

Zen - it's ok, he's taking my's much better than his own in the rain, apparently HmmGrin
Anchor - I'll leave him a towel by the door Grin

OP posts:
HiccupHaddockHorrendous · 06/02/2016 14:54

RudeElf - I'm really not pestering him about it. It's only when the weather's bad and he's asked to go out. I already know all of his other friends (friends since start of primary) but yes, if he wanted to meet up with them in similar circumstances, I'd offer for them to come here. They mostly communicate via the ps4 though and none of them will go out in the wet or cold Grin

OP posts:
AnchorDownDeepBreath · 06/02/2016 14:51

Hiccup He'll come home on top of the world, and absolutely glowing, even if he doesn't give you many details.

I started keeping a towel by the door so I could dry off a bit as soon as I got in. Still loved every minute.

Now I'm 25 and definitely don't fancy braving the wind and the rain...I'll leave it to the youth! :)

zen1 · 06/02/2016 14:49

Yes Sparkling, I have given him £10 and have made sure he has his phone. I have suggested he offer to buy the first drink, but said they should take it in turns to buy ( he is very keen not to be sexist!).

madmother DS is 12, nearly 13. In my mind, he has gone from 11 to 13 and missed out 12!

Hope your DS doesn't get too drenched Hiccup!

Sparklingbrook · 06/02/2016 14:46

rogue. Sad DS didn't tell us they had split. We were on holiday and we were looking around the shops. There was me bleating on about getting her 'one of those nice bracelets she wears' and showing him some.

He then told me. Blush

HiccupHaddockHorrendous · 06/02/2016 14:43

Aw, zen, I hope they have a successful first date!!
I do wonder if I'm just a little bit jealous.
I want to go on a date!!!
Re Valentine's Day - I sent him into the card shop the other day to choose a card for his aunt's birthday, thinking he'd maybe sneak a Valentine's card at the same time, while I waited outside with the shopping but my hint was obviously too subtle because he asked me to go in and help choose his aunt's card Grin
Update - he's on his way out to meet her now in the pouring rain!

OP posts:
rogueantimatter · 06/02/2016 14:43

It's really uncommon for 13YOs to bring boyfriends/girlfriends home IME. Definitely don't take it personally. Perhaps they think that bringing a bf/gf home is 'too serious'.

As Sparkling says, it's unlikely that this will last long anyway. I give it three months tops! (sparkling my DD had the loveliest bf ever when she was 14. I was 'gutted' as they say, when it ended.

I think a lot of the appeal of a gf/bf at their age is the novelty and feeling independent.

I didn't know that my DD had a few bfs when she was 13 until she was 14. In retrospect I was glad!

Yes, the teenage stage takes a bit of getting used to... Smile

Sparklingbrook · 06/02/2016 14:43

Has he got money and phone zen? Are they going halves on the coffee?

RudeElf · 06/02/2016 14:43

Rude - blush In what way

Just the pestering. He doesnt want to bring her home, its a first girlfriend i assume? Leave them be. It'll likely not last more than a few weeks. Do you insist he brings all his friends home or is he allowed to meet boy mates in the rain? Grin

madmotherof2 · 06/02/2016 14:39

Ah zen how exciting!!

My DS is 12 and I'm dreading him getting to this stage!!!


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zen1 · 06/02/2016 14:36

He has 15 mins before he has to leave. I keep humming the Countdown theme tune.

zen1 · 06/02/2016 14:35

Hiccup, we live on the outskirts of London so plenty of places to meet up. I suggested McDonalds, but was told "everyone goes there!", so they are going to a coffee shop. I have advised him to offer to get the bus home with her afterwards as a nice gesture! (They live in opposite directions)

Sparklingbrook · 06/02/2016 14:32

Oh zen you are already involved. Plus he's asking you advice.

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