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My turn to rant - dd16

29 replies

Hedgehoginthegarden · 21/11/2015 11:47

I am just wondering how I am going to survive these next couple of years without going crazy. Dd is determined to leave home and "share a flat" as soon as she is 18 and gets a job. Bring it on!

I love her to bits but she is just so so bloody lazy. Her room is a tip, she does nothing to help at home, is up till all hours on social media, treats college like a social club in that she does as little as humanly possible there, avoids everyone at home like the plague. I am not allowed to ask about her social life/ boys/friends or comment on the lack of college work being done and I get stop treating me like a baby, I'm 16 fgs when I express an opinion she does not like. And the temper on her is another thing. Let's just say this past year with her has been mostly horrible and I've felt like just running away from it all in many occasions.

I have an older dc who is not at all like this and I have brought them up exactly the same way. What happened?

So I know there are many going through similar with their kids so I invite you to join this rant and make me feel a little less alone.

Rant over Blush

OP posts:
Hedgehoginthegarden · 23/11/2015 23:24

Thanks Bigpants. I appreciate yours and all the other advice.

She is capable of good grades if she was prepared to study but we went through all of that with GCSE's. Nightmare and I swore that after that she was on her own. If I push too hard it has the opposite effect.

She never wants to do anything with me but things are improving there I think. We are talking more which is a start.

Sometimes you forget to be positive and just need a little rant to clear your head Grin

OP posts:
Bigpants4 · 24/11/2015 01:20

Do you think she's really interested in what she's studying? Has she ever taken one of these morrisby psychometric tests?

SanityClause · 24/11/2015 09:11

Sometimes you forget to be positive and just need a little rant to clear your head

This is so true.

Sometimes we just focus on the negatives, and not on how good they (our children) really are.

Yesterday, DH made a comment about DD1 (16) about how would she ever be ready to move out. I replied that I had been really messy at 16, too, and now I keep a (relatively) tidy house. I grew up because I had to, and so will DD.

What is your DD doing at college? Is it something she really wants to do? Could this be part of her lack of focus?

SanityClause · 24/11/2015 09:14

Oops, didn't read Bigpants's post about psychometric testing. Blush

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