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What do your teenage boys wear in bed?

41 replies

basildonbond · 03/11/2014 08:11

Ds2 is almost 15, has dyspraxia and mild aspergers but is doing very well in mainstream secondary

Clothes in general are a bit of a minefield as he's exceptionally tall and thin (currently 6'1" and still growing but with a 24" waist). He also hates getting rid of things so will wear clothes which are way too small for him as they're comfy and familiar. I police his daytime wardrobe as much as possible as I don't want to give the school bullies any more potential ammunition but at home he wears what he wants.

He's off on a residential school trip this week and I've realised all his beloved PJs are way too small so I need to get him some new ones urgently but what?? Ds1 is no help as he's just worn t-shirt and boxers for years. What can ds2 wear which I can get hold of easily and which will be acceptable. I suspect the geek count on this trip is fairly high so we're not talking cutting edge cool!

OP posts:
SexySalvador · 09/01/2022 10:34

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QuinionsRainbow · 06/11/2014 12:12

Past caring now! In teens, birthday suits were sleep attire of choice, with dressing gowns mandated for extra-bedroom actrivity.

Galmptongirl · 06/11/2014 06:25

they have pjs and dressing gowns for when they get out of bed so remain decent.

CharmQuark · 06/11/2014 00:58

Have a look in H&M.

DS wears those lounge pant things from H&M . And a T shirt.

nooka · 06/11/2014 00:46

My ds doesn't really do any physical socializing, he 'sees' his friends all the time online, ad just doesn't see the need to arrange anything more. I have to admit I don't really know what his two best buddies even look like!

basildonbond · 05/11/2014 14:50

ds doesn't 'do' sleepovers (the couple of times he's been on one/had friends over he's got very cross as no-one's got much sleep and he neeeeeds his sleep) so I have very few points of comparison ...

OP posts:
Hakluyt · 05/11/2014 10:21

From my extensive observation of tangles of teenage boys in my living room on Sunday mornings, floppy tartan/check bottoms and plain long sleeved t shirt tops seems to be the norm. Primark have lots.

basildonbond · 05/11/2014 10:15

I got some very soft lounge pants and t-shirt from TKMaxx - size S so still too big on the waist and a bit short but better than his teeny old ones. He still looked Hmm when I showed them to him but hey re the only ones he's got in his bag so he'll have to wear them even though they're New ...

OP posts:
nooka · 05/11/2014 05:34

I'd choose lounge pant/fuzzy pj bottoms and a lightweight long sleeved top then, focusing on how soft they feel so that they feel 'ready worn' (or even try looking second hand). If the geek count is high then maybe top/bottom with a sci-fi logo or two (easier for t-shirts)?

iwantgin · 04/11/2014 07:43

DS sleeps naked at home.

He does have some pjs for trips away though - some cheapos from Primark men's section. Lightweight checked cotton trousers, with a plain v lightweight tshirt.

Stupidhead · 04/11/2014 07:38

TKMaxx sell mens lounge pants as do Primark. Just get XS/S (for his waist). They will shrink length ways but if he has them new for his trip they shouldn't look too short!

And my 17 yr old is 6ft with a 26" waist, it's hard to find clothes Confused

NoelleHawthorne · 04/11/2014 07:30

lol at Adjudication Wink

I get what oyu mean OP.
Baggy trews or shorts and a t shirt are the name of the game

basildonbond · 04/11/2014 07:22

Thanks for all the helpful posts - I don't care what he wears in bed at home but just want to make sure he is comfy and warm on his trip (he has no insulation from fat so feels the cold easily) but also looks acceptable to a bunch of teenage boys. He can't wear just t-shirt and boxers as a) he'd freeze and b) he'd look completely ridiculous (think human stick insect and you get an idea of what he looks like)

OP posts:
CheerfulYank · 04/11/2014 06:58

Fair enough. :)

Bowlersarm · 04/11/2014 06:57

To be fair CheerfulYank the poster that the comment was directed towards had her say on the matter in about 7 posts (do I sound very dreary and boring to have bothered to count them? Grin) so a comment back could be considered appropriate.

CheerfulYank · 04/11/2014 06:53

Hahaha, yes! I am the Thread Police. :o

No, I just meant...seems like so many around here are spoiling for a fight about things totally unrelated. But carry on.

NoelleHawthorne · 04/11/2014 06:52

Primark do cheap soft bottoms. Pyjama ones obv

Ohmygrood · 04/11/2014 06:43

My ds's wear PJ bottoms, boxers or nothing - whatever they feel comfy in. My 2 both have sensory difficulties so they need to be comfy to sleep.

I used to buy their PJ's from Boden until I discovered NewLook - their small mens size should fit a 15 year old boy nicely. They are really good value and some are 100% cotton. They especially like the marvel type prints.

Chimchar · 04/11/2014 06:36

my ds wears boxers.

Primark have some really FAB jama bottoms in the mens the loungewear kind of ones other people have mentioned. All kinds of wars, muppets, family guy, batman etc. they were cheap too!

NoelleHawthorne · 04/11/2014 06:28

oh SORRY - I forgot only you can determine the direction of a thread!

CheerfulYank · 04/11/2014 06:00

This thread isn't about other people being "uptight".

Anyway, OP, my DS is only seven but the size of a ten or eleven year old and already I've run into a bit of a pajama problem. It's cold where we live and the lightweight nylon character-y ones just don't cut it. I've found plain sweatpants and tee-shirts or long underwear type tops do the trick.

nooka · 04/11/2014 05:56

My 15 year old sounds the same sort of shape as the OPs, over six foot and very slim. Also with some interesting ideas about clothes :)

He wears lounge pant type pj bottoms, mostly a foot or so too short, (Christmas PJs required!) plus an array of t-shirts/tops depending on the weather.

For school he likes layers. Lots of layers! Recently he discovered that if he wore pjs under his trackies under his chinos it was 'very comfy'... On top he often has six or seven layers, although I noticed he had stopped wearing hoodies under his blazer after I commented that it looked as if he had a hunchback. I'm not sure if the layers are a sensory thing or to make him look a bit bulkier or both, but luckily (or unluckily!) he doesn't care about what others think of his appearance and goes to a non uniform school.

Re the PJs would cutting them off into long shorts be an option? They'd still feel right but wouldn't look so obviously grown out of.


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Bowlersarm · 03/11/2014 16:04

They wear whatever they want. I don't care if they are naked in their own beds, I think that's their decision to make not mine.

Generally ds1 wears boxers or nothing, ds2 wears full long pjs both tops and bottoms, ds3 wears boxers and a t shirt.

secretsquirrels · 03/11/2014 15:56

At home they wear nothing in bed, unless it's very cold then DS2 will wear shorty PJs.
Away from home PJ shorts. Both are very tall and long pyjamas are too short.

NoelleHawthorne · 03/11/2014 15:08

in bed, they can do as they please. I think all his siblings know what a cock looks liek and normally he has the covers over him

Think you sound a bit uptight

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