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Please can you recommend school shoes for 14yr old boys?!

34 replies

Chocamochalatte · 29/08/2014 18:13

We got through so many pairs last year, stuck with what to get for this term, is it worth spending out?? The most I've spent is on Clarks and they've been rubbish :(

OP posts:
GnomeDePlume · 31/08/2014 08:56
Chocamochalatte · 31/08/2014 22:07

I would love them to have Dr Martens, but DT1 had a look alike pair from M&S last year and got teased because of the clear type sole! So now neither of them will consider them...

Had a look in a couple of shops today, DT2 has in his mind what he wants, but very specific on the detailing, ie a bit of stitching the in the 'wrong' place then he won't consider them, I can see us falling out by the end of shopping tomorrow! DT1 is less fussy, just wants an inconspicuous pair that won't result in any teasing...

Wish me luck!

OP posts:
AnyFucker · 31/08/2014 22:12

I dread the school shoes conumdrum

DS is 14 and completely uninterested, which doesn't help

so DD (18) and I went shopping and came home with these

they seem to pass muster so far...

AnyFucker · 31/08/2014 22:14

close up, the only clue they are "Vans" is a tiny black fob at the side (you have to look very closely) and a bit at the back of the heel which would be covered by trousers when standing up

AnythingNotEverything · 31/08/2014 22:22

My 14yp DS has school shoes from the adult range at Clarks. Had some last year and despite daily playground football they survived the whole year. He's a 9 though. They probably start at a 7, so not helpful for you I'm afraid.

Chocamochalatte · 31/08/2014 22:25

See I would buy the Vans but worried they'll be deemed inappropriate by school and I'll have to fork out on another (two) pairs!

OP posts:
AnyFucker · 31/08/2014 22:28

It crossed my mind too, but I thought on the small chance he would be sent home for wearing them he would still get wear out of a pair of plain black Vans (we also bought them a size bigger)

a lot depends on the school, of course

ours is a fairly laid back comprehensive, anything plain black with a black sole seems to be ok

myotherusernameisbetter · 31/08/2014 22:42

I guess you will have a better idea of your school than we will, but if it's any help, we have a strict uniform policy and I always send mine in black shoes........however I regularly see people in various coloured trainers - i have no idea how they get away with it. No-one would bat an eyelid at black leather Vans or Converse. Shoes seem to be on show more than I would expect too as there seems to be some localised issue with people wearing trousers that are too short. We are two weeks into school and I am already seeing it so I don't think it's just an end of term thing.

School is in an affluent middle class (a lot of "family money" types as well as recently rich).

Chocamochalatte · 07/09/2014 22:41

Just to update you, we managed to pick up a nice leather pair of shoes in Debenhams, bonus was price said £32 then we got to the till and came up as £25! Bizarrely not on their website...

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