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Post period illness - any advice

2 replies

salimali55 · 03/05/2012 16:00

Hi- my daughter suffers from what we call post not pre-mt. She is ill for up to a week (but can be longer) with tiredness, nausea and headaches. She has had blood tests so is not low in iron. It has happened after her period every month for at least 4 months and perhaps on and off for the last year. Has anyone else experienced this and any advice, thanks. She is fed up of being ill, its affecting her school work and also her social life..

OP posts:
salimali55 · 04/05/2012 13:06

Thanks - will post it again under health.

OP posts:
frazmum · 04/05/2012 08:12

Not had experience of this but my DD has suffered terribly during her period with pain and nausea. I found that you need to ask different doctors as not all are sympathetic and pass it off as 'she will grow out of it' or 'that's just the way it is'. Also try posting in Health as there may be an adult who's experienced this.

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