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jeans to fit teenage boys

20 replies

lostinpants · 14/11/2011 13:18

Can anyone recommend where to buy jeans for a tall for his age, almost teenage (12) DS1? He used to be skinny and easy to buy for but since hitting high school has filled out with a bit of puppy fat around the middle. Children's trousers are too small and adults small sizes are huge. Tried quite a few high street stores & supermarkets. Any suggestion welcome.

OP posts:
bruffin · 04/12/2011 01:23
OddBaubles · 03/12/2011 21:24

Could be worth measuring his waist and inside leg (or get him to) and see if you can buy by size not age, I have to do that with my ds and I've been able to get some from Levi and Firetrap that way.

Ingles2 · 03/12/2011 21:19

I've got a very tall, quite solid 12yr old aswell and the only place I can get him jeans at the moment is H&M... loose fit, 170cm (14yr+). HTH's

louisea · 03/12/2011 21:15

Try BHS. They have a great teens department. It is the only place I can find decent jeans for my boys who are on the larger size. They are 12 and the size 16's don't fit but they do a generous fit range and they fit in to the age appropriate sizes.

Milliways · 16/11/2011 19:27

Debenhams do a Teen Range, my DS is 16 and still has some jeans from there - otherwise he gets from Republic.

Theas18 · 14/11/2011 22:55

Marks adjustable waist school trousers with different leg lengths are good. Jeans wise we had pair from primark that were the skimpiest cheap cut for their size but fitted him LOL .

DS has now probably reached his adult height and probably needs a 32 waist 34 leg but wears the M+S "best value" (ie cheapy!) black trousers for school and they are fantastic- wear like iron and never need ironing.

When he was lanky and really skinny GAP mens 28 waist fitted but they never had the long leg length- grrr!

Now all I need to find is true slim fit shirts like the ones from next with a 16 inch collar but a 36 chest that aren't £30 plus for 2- until then he gets marks school shirts and moans about the width!!

themildmanneredjanitor · 14/11/2011 18:01

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lostinpants · 14/11/2011 17:54

Will try the Gap ones, sound promising, thanks

OP posts:
scarlettsmummy2 · 14/11/2011 17:53

I have bought my foster son, who was over weight when he came to us, several pairs out of marks and spencers and they are great- they do both drawstring and traditional style with adjustable waist.

lostinpants · 14/11/2011 17:52

Wears school trousers age 13/14 from Marks & Tesco but jeans/casual trousers other than joggers just don't fit

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themildmanneredjanitor · 14/11/2011 17:52

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lostinpants · 14/11/2011 17:50

He is a tall 12 (haven't measured, sorry) a good few inches above average. Not fat but has a ring of the 'puppy' variety around the middle.

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themildmanneredjanitor · 14/11/2011 17:11

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lostinpants · 14/11/2011 16:50

Tried Gap, too small, maybe the different styles make a difference. Surely there must be an alternative to H&M somewhere!!!

OP posts:
wigglybeezer · 14/11/2011 16:49

Topshop extra small mens fit DS1 who is 13, but they are more expensive than kids (and not as hard-wearing!).

BeattieBow · 14/11/2011 16:47

we have the same problem op - my ds (aged 12) is too big for gap kids etc now. I think H&M goes up to age 14 though.

Not sure where to get his clothes from at all apart from H&M and I'm not that keen on H&M.

themildmanneredjanitor · 14/11/2011 16:42

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GypsyMoth · 14/11/2011 16:41

Matalan? My ds has had success in there!

lostinpants · 14/11/2011 16:34

Thanks MadAboutHotChoc. Primark kids are too small we've tried them and the adults smallest size is huge. Ditto Next. I bought some shorts from H&M in the summer that were OK so will try there. I had the same problem with shoes/football boots when he reached a size 6 - too big for kids and too small for many adult pairs.

OP posts:
MadAboutHotChoc · 14/11/2011 15:46

Its that in between stage that's so annoying isn't it, with most shops selling clothes up to 12 years old.

Try NEXT mail order - these are cheap and do fit my DS pretty well. I have also found the odd decent pair in Primark. H&M is another possibility.

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