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FFS pet rabbits being left to roam round a housing estate.

12 replies

RudeElf · 08/01/2016 14:15

Been out there since before xmas. The police have tried to catch them, owner notified and says they just come home when theyre hungry, that half the estate feeds them. I used to live there and it is awful for dogs roaming loose. Is that normal for rabbits? I thought they were supposed to be kept out of reach of foxes either in a hutch or in the house. They arent like cats, right??

OP posts:
DizzyDancer · 09/01/2016 18:06

Poor bun

Mine used to have free roam of the garden too but he had a lovely warm hutch to jump into if it was wet and cold.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 08/01/2016 19:39

poor little souls Sad

They may well survive the foxes and the winter if they can find shelter, enough food and avoid predators.(If they are lucky)

But they are Domestic Rabbits , they need looking after.Domesticated animals trade in their freedom and the price the owner pays is the responsibility of care. It is not on that they are left to run feral.
Angry at the twatty owner, though even if they are caught and rehomed, what can the RSPCA/Equivilant do?

TrionicLettuce · 08/01/2016 14:48

It's worth a try. Although I got in touch with the RSPCA when a neighbour of ours just chucked all their rabbits out to fend for themselves and they weren't remotely interested.

RudeElf · 08/01/2016 14:36

Yes twat is right. Who deals with this kind of thing? We dont have rspca here, its USPCA. Should i ring them?

OP posts:
megletthesecond · 08/01/2016 14:36

They could go on for ages . My late bunny was free range in the day (garden obvs) and scared the local cats away. Far tougher than I imagined. Although she slept on the sofa at night Hmm.

TrionicLettuce · 08/01/2016 14:33

Sadly I don't think it is all that unusual for people to dump their rabbits when they get bored of them or sick of the upkeep Sad

rosebiggs · 08/01/2016 14:28

What an idiot. Hopefully they have found somewhere warm(ish) and safe to sleep at night.

OTheHugeManatee · 08/01/2016 14:26

Owner is a twat. I hope the rabbits are neutered.

RudeElf · 08/01/2016 14:23

Owner is LOLing about it on the most recent FB post from a concerned member of the public.

OP posts:
RudeElf · 08/01/2016 14:21

2 unless they are unneutered.

OP posts:
OTheHugeManatee · 08/01/2016 14:19

How many are there?

Probably lots more by now Hmm

rosebiggs · 08/01/2016 14:18

They will be cold (unless they have made a burrow) and a fox will probably eat them. Poor things. How many are there?

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