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crest fallen...all serums and moisturisers one big fake...

8 replies

Chandon · 13/02/2010 13:56

Well, I found this amazing beauty product, it´s a serum which made made skin feel SO silky and smooth, I loved it, I thought it was a miracle cream.

Then I realised it felt quite similar to a "primer".

Then I googled around, and found the reason these serums and primers make your skin seem so smooth is that they contain silicone.

Silicone is usually called DIMETHICONE on ingredients lists.

Basically, you put a thin layer of plastic (silicone) on your skin which makes it, temporarilly, look and feel better.

However, putting silicone on your skin is comparable to sealing it with a plastic bag. You lock the moisture (ie sweat) in, and your skin cannot breathe. That is also why it causes break outs (spots) for some people.

Some people (skin care manufacturers) say silicone is harmless. Others say it is bad for your skin.

Just google it !

What do any of you think or know about this subject? I feel like I´ve been had have checked ALL my moisturisers, conditioner and serums, and they all contain dimethicone (Body shop, Palmers, orgins etc.).

Esentially, putting silicone on your skin makes you THINK your skin is softer, but it´s just the silicone you feel IYSWIM


am so naive!

OP posts:
Furball · 14/02/2010 08:25

Don't be so hard on yourself - most people have made similar judgements.

I feel the same about SLS in soap/shampoos and also Artifical sweetners, theres also an ingredient in Ribena which I didn't know and was merryily giving it to DS. What about plastic water bottles.......the list is endless.......chemicals on/in your food.

You have to think you now know - so you can do something about it.

I didn't know about dimethicone and now I do - so thank you

I would advise to buy wisely, read the ingredients - I use stuff like J A S O N - which Waitrose sell.

oh and just because stuff says organic doesn't mean it is.

BelleDameSansMerci · 14/02/2010 08:42

Wow - thank you. I can't use any of those kinds of serums/smoothing things as they all give me spots. Now I know why!

ChristianaTheTwelfth · 14/02/2010 09:06

Message withdrawn

MmeBlueberry · 14/02/2010 09:36

Silicone is there to make the other ingredients work, and it does have the benefit of lubricity.

There is no way that it blocks the skin.

It's an inert ingredient and there at low levels.

You are scaremongering, OP.

Acne vulgaris is a disease is caused by bacteria, not by a modern skin cream.

MmeBlueberry · 14/02/2010 09:38

The tiny bits that rub off are the powders, not the silicone. Are you putting on multiple layers?

MmeBlueberry · 14/02/2010 10:00

These products also contain dihydrogen monoxide and that can be a killer.

ChristianaTheTwelfth · 14/02/2010 14:06

Message withdrawn

MmeBlueberry · 14/02/2010 15:14

But that has nothing to do with dimethicone!

Most people who suffer from acne (teenagers) don't moisturise their skin at all.

Most people who do moisturise their skin have no problems with acne at all.

Comodogenic skin creams are part of history.

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